Jimmy’s statement sparks ruckus
KOTA KINABALU August 23, 2011: The first day of the State Assembly sitting yesterday was a noisy affair as lone opposition member Jimmy Wong of DAP engaged in a heated exchange with representatives from the Barisan Nasional (BN).
The commotion started after the Sri Tanjong assemblyman rejected the First Supplementary Bill 2011 which was tabled yesterday, saying the huge allocation would only benefit the Chief Minister’s cronies.
Jimmy’s statement drew sharp rebukes from several outraged BN assemblymen, including Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Pairin Kitingan, who called Point of Order 43 (6), demanding action to be taken against the former for uttering words with ill intention.
Sekong assemblyman Datuk Samsudin, Jimmy’s arch-rival in the assembly, was among the loudest in criticising the latter and demanding he retract every accusation against BN and its chairman Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Said, who stepped in to replace Deputy Speaker Datuk Johny Mositon as
the bickering heated up, directed Jimmy to retract his statement twice, first for using the word cronies and second for accusing the government of using the 5P amnesty programme to give citizenship to illegal immigrants.
Jimmy also accused the State Government of turning the foreigners into its voters.
Another Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Yahya Hussin, also called for Point of Order, citing Article 51, to remind Jimmy not to abuse the time given to him to address the House by repeating the same irrelevant topics.
He said Jimmy was taking more time than he was allowed and had disregarded the Speaker’s advice to move on to other topics on his agenda.
BN Backbenchers Club chairman and Kemabong assemblyman Datuk Rubin Balang also lashed out at Jimmy, describing the latter’s speech as mocking the government and its efforts to bring development and address the problems faced by the people.
Rubin even labelled Jimmy as “samseng” (gangster) who has gangs and used to beat people in public.
It prompted the Speaker to intervene and remind Rubin that a member is prohibited from attacking the character of other members at the State Assembly.
The Chief Minister called Jimmy a “pembohong” (liar) who was just seeking cheap publicity in the Assembly.
Other inappropriate words, including “bodoh” (stupid) and “penipu” (deceiver), were also heard several times as three to four representatives stood up and joined in the spat at the same time.
Order was restored after Jimmy agreed to retract his statement before concluding his speech.
Jimmy Wong is another opportunist.
BalasPadamJimmy Wong and Chin Su Phin should be good friends. Their style are the same.
BalasPadamPlease be professional.
BalasPadamThey should know that acting like a kids won't solve problem.
BalasPadamSolve the problem and please not to point fingers.
BalasPadamsetuju dengan KuolaBear. bersikap profesionallah dalam apa jua situasi.
BalasPadamapa pun, sebarang kenyataan yang boleh menimbulkan kekecohan patut dielakkan.
BalasPadamThat's why they carried out the State Assembly. To discuss, not to point fingers and create chaos.
BalasPadamHope the ADUNs be more professional by not giving personal attack.
BalasPadamDalam Parlimen mahupun DUN, perkara sebegini sering terjadi. Diharap semua ADUN dapat bekerjasama dan membincangkan permasalahan yang terjadi di Sabah serta mencari jalan penyelesaiannya.
BalasPadammacam2 ragam pula perjumpaan dalam DUN ni. kata2 mereka tidak memperlihatkan seorang pemimpin.
BalasPadamapapun, harap2 mereka sudah membincangkan sesuatu yang bermanfaat buat perkembangan negeri Sabah.
BalasPadamsebagai pemimpin perlu bersikap profesional.
BalasPadamBanyak arguing pun tiada guna kalau tiada solution.
BalasPadamPoor Jimmy.
BalasPadambe professional Jimmy..you as YB should behave yourselves..
BalasPadamDAP bikin kacau daun saja di sabah...lebih baik DAP fokus di penang...
BalasPadamyang penting sebagai wakil rakyat sabah, kita harus fokus kepada pembangunan negeri..dan itulah yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan negeri sabah..
BalasPadamOther inappropriate words, including “bodoh” (stupid) and “penipu” (deceiver), were also heard several times as three to four representatives stood up and joined in the spat at the same time.
BalasPadamsemuanya ahli patutnya bersikap profesional.
nasib baik tiada aksi 'tumbuk-menumbuk'!
BalasPadamlebih baik semua pihak bincang secara profesional mengenai isu-isu semasa daripada bertelingkah.
BalasPadamikut la peraturan dalam dewan dan tunjukkan sikap profesional, bukannya emosi.. mungkin selepas ini Jimmy boleh gunakan isu ini untuk mendapatkan sokongan simpati.. biasa dilakukan oleh pemimpin2 pembangkang..
BalasPadamMemang Jimmy ini bermasalah sedikit.
BalasPadamMengenai masalah perlu dibuat dengan jalan penyelesaian bukannya seperti Jimmy ini. Rasanya apa yang dilakukan ini demi kebaikkan Sabah juga. Jimmy sudah pasti membangkang kerana beliau cuma satu-satunya pembangkang. Kerana itulah kerja mereka. Tapi cuba fikir bukan untuk parti saja, tapi ini untuk rakyat Sabah sendiri. Jimmy cuma meminta perhatian dari pelbagai pihak. Tidak perlulah tipu diri dengan kebolehan yang tidak kemana itu.
BalasPadamMacam Jimmy jer yang berani menyuarakan kata hati.
BalasPadamWell, he's wrong in the other way but I think he should be more careful in giving speeches.
BalasPadamScarlett berkata...
BalasPadam"Hope the ADUNs be more professional by not giving personal attack."
setuju dengan Scarlett
berbincang secara tatatertib..
BalasPadamTerima hakikat dengan hati yang terbuka.
BalasPadamI think JM should talk in more polite way.
BalasPadamPandai2lah rakyat nilai p-erkara ini. Biasalah politikkan memang banyak drama. hehe
BalasPadamSetuju dengan leave . JM patut lebih berhati-hati dalam pertuturannya bagi mengelakkan salah faham timbul. Bukan iku sedap mulut ja:P