Ahad, Ogos 28, 2011


Director’s decision to deny villagers of NCR over land quashed

KOTA KINABALU August 27, 2011: The High Court here yesterday quashed the decision of the Land and Survey Department to deny a group of people of their Native Customary Rights (NCR) over a land in Kampung Lakang, Paitan, Beluran.

image Judge Datuk Abdul Rahman Sebli yesterday allowed an application for judicial review by Jastin Sansalu, Asyu Na’ang, Sanyuah Na’ang, Nawas Induk, Induk Mayabing, Rasiduh Rasmin, Rasuni Na’ang, Paulus Iduk and Naang Samintar against the director of the department and one Chua Hee Hung who were the first and second respondents respectively.

In his ruling after hearing arguments from both parties, Abdul Rahman granted an order sought by the nine applicants to quash the decision of the first respondent dated April 8, 2011 which set aside the decision of Assistant Collector of Land Revenue (ACLR) dated July 19, 2010, in ruling that the applicants have the NCR over the land

He also granted a declaration that the entire proceedings in Director Land Enquiry and the decisions made by the director were wrong in law and hence null and void.

Apart from that, the court also granted an order of Mandamus to order the first respondent to hear and deliver his decision on the appeals of the second respondent dated August 18, 2010 against the ACLR’s decision in land inquires and an Order of Prohibition prohibiting the first respondent whether by himself or persons authorized by him from processing, issuing and/or registering the land title to the second respondent’s land application at Kampung Lakang, Paitan until the final disposal of the said appeals.

The other reliefs granted by the court were an order to quash the director’s decision to issue and/or register the land title in Chua’s land application and an order to restrain Chua whether by himself, his servants, agents, appointees and/or independent contractors from entering or trespassing or carrying out any site clearing and planting activities in the land in dispute pending the disposal of his appeals.

In their affidavit, the applicants claimed that they and their forefathers have been in possession, occupation and cultivation of the respective parcel of land at Kampung Paitan for at least six generations since before the colonial government of North Borneo.

They claimed the first respondent’s decision to issue to the second respondent the Letter of Offer to Alienate Land for a piece of land measuring 500 acres at Kampung Lakang had encroached the customary land of the native community of the village, including the respective land of the applicants.

They also claimed that the second respondent had commenced site clearing and planting activities on the land in dispute even before the director approved and issued the letter of offer to alienate land on December 2, 2010.

The applicants also claimed that while the appeals of the second respondent were pending and before the director decided to conduct Director Land Enquiry, the director had wrongfully approved and issued the letter of offer to the second respondent.

The first respondent, they claimed, had acted wrongfully and in breach of his duty to issue the offer to alienate land to the second respondent when both respondents had actual knowledge of the disputes and objections of the native community at Kampung Lakang to the land trespassed by the second respondent since 2008.

Furthermore, they claimed, there was no ground to support the decision of the director in Director Land Enquiry in setting aside the decision of the ACLR.

Consequently, they said the director had acted arbitrarily and capriciously and/or in bad faith to invoke Section 42 of the Land Ordinance in holding the Director Land Enquiry in the absence of any exceptional circumstances or miscarriage of justice or any other justifiable ground for revision.


Villagers decry govt approval despite pending court appeal

Poor villagers want govt decision overturned

Court allows judicial review of Paitan folks' NCR claim

29 ulasan:

  1. Kerajaan patut mematuhi arahan mahkamah dan menyerah balik hak tanah mereka.

  2. Macam kebelakangan ni banyak kes NCR p court ada hasil positif kan:) Good, good teruskan perjuangan pertahankan tanah adat kita.

  3. Ordered yang diberi haruslah dipatuhi. Jangan lagi pertikaikan keputusan kerajaan:)

  4. Kepada penduduk yang terlibat, taniah:) Gunakan tanah itu sebaik mungkin demi kelansungan generasi kita.

  5. Jika mahkamah sudah memberi keputusan, maka kita semua haruslah ikut perintah.

  6. Keputusan Mahkamah juga muktamat.. Hak tanah seharus dipulang balik.

  7. Betul kata Paguin.. Tanah tersebut seharus diusahakan dengan lebih giat untuk mendatangkan keuntungan dan perubahan hidup.

  8. Tumpang gembira dimana mahkamah memulangkan tanah tersebut.. Harap tiada masalah terhadap tanah NCR lagi..

  9. Now worry.. Im sure government respect the mahkamah decision.. will return the land to the owner too..

  10. Ini membuktikan bahawa jika benar tanah tersebut miliki anda, tiada kuasa lain dapat mengambil alih hak milik.

  11. this decision will definitely make the people happy.

  12. tanah milik siapa, tak ada sesiapa pun boleh merampas.

  13. whatever the decision sentenced by the court, we have to follow it......

  14. hope there will not be anymore of this kind of cases happening again.

  15. Finally the problem has been solved, it has ended well too.

  16. Issue ending good.. Hope the land owner can make use of the land to run some project that counld help to gain more income.

  17. Keputusan sudah dibuat oleh Mahkamah.. Tiada apa yang diperlu dirunding lagi.

  18. Tanah sudah dipulangkan.. usahakan tanah tersebut dengan bersungguh-sungguh.. jgn dibiarkan begitu sahaja.. Mungkin boleh kerja-sama dengan developer untuk projek pembinaan atau pertanian dll..

  19. Nothing much to comment.. just respect the decision sentenced by the court.

  20. Kalau benar tanah tersebut miliki orang kampung, pasti dipulangkan kepada pemilik yang sebenar. Kami tumpang gembira dengan berita baik tersebut.

  21. masalah pengambilan tanah secara tidak sah atau perampasan tanah di Sabah semakin kritikal...harap ada undang2 melindungi mereka yang teraniaya.

  22. siasatan susulan perlu dilakukan bagi mengelak perkara sedemikian berlaku semula.

  23. baguslah, kes ini dapat diselesaikan dengan adil

  24. akhirnya, tanah ini dapat dipulangkan balik kepada yang berhak..tahniah.

  25. harap tidak ada rasuah atau penyelewengan berlaku dari pihak tertentu

  26. imej dan reputasi Jabatan Tanah benar2 sudah tercemar.. baik pemimpin tertinggi kerajaan melakukan sesuatu terhadap jabatan ini dengan memberhentikan serta merta barisan pengarah dan pegawai2nya..

  27. keputusan mahkamah harus dipatuhi dengan sebaiknya.

  28. kena patuhi keputusan mahkamah.

  29. Sebaiknya masalah tanah adat ini perlulah ditangani dan diatasi secepat yang mungkin.
