Boycott Astro, urges association
The Malaysian Islamic Consumers Association’s advisory council chairman Tunku Azwil Tunku Abdul Razak says Astro is profiteering
KUALA LUMPUR 2011/06/27: The Malaysian Islamic Consumers Association (PPIM) yesterday urged Astro subscribers to boycott the satellite television operator for putting profit ahead of its subscribers.
Its advisory council chairman, Tunku Azwil Tunku Abdul Razak, questioned whether consumers' needs were considered when Astro announced the revision of subscription rates effective July 11.
"We are disappointed that Astro has decided to raise the rates despite appeals from the public."
He said Astro's decision went against the government's motto of putting the people first. PPIM and other non-governmental organisations are asking consumers not to pay their Astro bills for the next three months and to boycott products and services of companies advertising on Astro.
They are also appealing to the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism and Information, Communication and Culture ministries to take action to protect consumers' rights with relevant acts such as the Consumer Protection Act 1999. Tunku Azwil claimed that up to three million consumers supported the boycott.
Saya tidak pernah menyokong mereka.
BalasPadamlebih baik pilih siaran TV tidak berbayar.
BalasPadamBoring lah kalau tiada Astro.
BalasPadamKalau bil naik, mutu program pun kena perbaiki. Jangan asyik ulang2 tayangan yang sama. Bosan.
BalasPadamkita lihat berapa ramai yang akan mengikut boikot Astro.
BalasPadamtunggu dan lihat apa pula reaksi astro mengenai pekara ini.
BalasPadamAstro harus melakukan sesuatu sebelum di boikot.
BalasPadamKebelakangan ini banyak complaint yang dibuat oleh pelanggan Astro. Charge mahal tapi perkhidmatan tidak setimpal dengan pembayaran.
BalasPadamJika astro diboikot, dari mana lagi Astro mahu mencari pelanggan??
BalasPadamAstro kenalah lakukan sesuatu. Jangan biarkan pengguna terus kecewa dengan Astro.
BalasPadamSemoga perkara ini menemukan jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik.
BalasPadamtidak payah langgan Astro pun tidak apa ba.. naikkan saja.. besok2 pihak Astro sedar juga tu yang perkhidmatan mereka bukan satu keperluan bagi rakyat di negara ini.
BalasPadamhanya yang ketagih dengan program ASTRO saja yang akan setia denganya.
BalasPadammungkin tidak ramai yang akan boikot..