Foreign workers in Sabah a state problem
April 24, 2011 Human Resource Minister Dr S Subramaniam says the federal government will not form a RCI to look into the matter.
KOTA KINABALU: The federal government has rejected the call by Kota Kinabalu MP Hiew King Cheu for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the foreign workers in Sabah.
Human Resources Minister Dr S Subramaniam said the rejection was based on the fact that foreign workers are not a federal jurisdiction but entirely that of the Sabah state government.
The minister also noted that the Chief Minister’s Department of Sabah had already set up a workshop programme on the management of the foreign workers in 2010 to tackle the problems arising from these foreigners.
Hiew, in making the request, noted that the presence of a vast number of foreign workers in the various sectors in Sabah, in particular the oil palm plantations, continued to be a grave concern of Sabahans.
Subramanium however replied that the plantation industry in Sabah had no choice but to depend on the import of immigrant foreign workers in order to carry out work locals shun.
He said that throughout 2010, the Sabah government had been carrying out aggressive programmes in helping employers to source for local workers for plantations.
He disclosed that in 2010, the state Labour Department carried out a total of 45 programmes to locate workers and 10 of these were solely for the plantation sector.
“A total of 6,789 vacancies were required in the plantations but (the department) only managed to fill 1,068 jobs.”
He said the same had happened the previous year when 47 recruitment programmes were held with 10 for plantations having 10,856 vacancies. Again the department only managed to fill 1,050 positions.
“The locals only choose office jobs, child care, and administrative work only. It is very difficult to get the locals to work as general labourers and as harvesters, therefore there is no choice but to employ foreigners to do the job,” he explained.
Offer better pay structure
Hiew however countered by saying that the salaries offered by the huge plantation companies were exploitative and was the reason locals were uninterested in the labour-intensive work.
He called on the government to implement a better pay structure with incentives to attract locals to work in various sectors that are currently occupied by the foreign workers.
Hiew accused the federal government of not paying attention to the problems faced by the state and was instead pushing all responsibility back to the state government.
He also asked what the state government would do now that the RCI on the issue had been rejected.
Ini sememangnya satu masalah yang serius di Sabah.
BalasPadamThis is going to be difficult then.
BalasPadamisu warga asing merupakan masalah yang perlu dipandang serius.
BalasPadamkomitmen daripada semua pihak diperlukan bagi menyelesaikan sebarang isu berkaitan warga/pekerja asing.
BalasPadamkita seharusnya bekerjasama dalam menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan warga dan pekerja asing.
BalasPadamisu pekerja asing ini perlu dikendalikan dengan baik dan langkah yang efektif perlu diambil supaya tidak timbul masalah yang lebih serius.
BalasPadamThis is serious matter. The state government need to handle this issue.
BalasPadampenduduk tempatan secara tidak langsung menggalakkan kemasukan warga asing di Sabah kerana mereka tidak berminat untuk bekerja dalam sektor pertanian dan pembinaan.
BalasPadamisu yang patut diberi perhatian adalah isu pendatang tanpa izin, bukannya pekerja asing.
BalasPadammemang patut kerajaan persekutuan dan Dr S Subramaniam mengambil berat masalah ini kerana semuanya berpunca dari kerajaan persekutuan akibat kegagalan meningkatkan pendapatan rakyat Sabah.
BalasPadamuntuk apa rakyat sabah bekerja dalam sektor itu jika gaji yang ditawarkan tidak mampu menanggung kos sara hidup yang semakin meningkat... saya harap kerajaan persekutuan tidak lepas tangan terhadap masalah2 yang dihadapi oleh rakyat sabah hari ini.
BalasPadamMasalah ini telah lama. Kebanyakkan mereka adalah PATI. Sampai bila perkara ini akan berterusan. Kita mengharapkan masalah yang sekian lama ini dapat diselesaikan.
BalasPadamThe federal government has rejected the call by Kota Kinabalu MP Hiew King Cheu for a Royal "Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the foreign workers in Sabah
BalasPadamHuman Resources Minister Dr S Subramaniam said the rejection was based on the fact that foreign workers are not a federal jurisdiction but entirely that of the Sabah state government."
Kerajaan persekutuan jangan lepas tangan dalam menyelesaikan masalah pekerja asing di Sabah. Jika begitu bagus hantar balik orang semenanjung yang masuk bekerja di Sabah. Ini siapa yang uruskan kalau bukan Kerajaan persekutuan dan bukan kerajaan Negeri. Jika benar ini tugas kerajaan negeri, mereka berhak untuk menghantar kembali orang semenangjung yang berkerja di Sabah.
Semoga masalah ini dapat kerjasama dari pihak kerajaan persekutuan. Kita mengharapkan sangat perkara ini dapat ditangani.
BalasPadamharap hal ini akan mendapat perhatian dan selesai.
BalasPadamNegeri kita tidak sepatutnya terlalu bergantung kepada pekerja asing. Bagilah peluang kepada warga tempatan.
BalasPadamWell yeah. Lets solve it together, I mean in here. Since Subramaniam said so,we can't do nothing.
BalasPadamKebanjiran pekerja asing di Sabah memang satu penyeksaan.
BalasPadamI won't be surprised if the ministry is saying this.
BalasPadamAdakah ia bermaksud bahawa masalah ini berpunca dari kecuaian kami?
BalasPadamSince the ministry is not keen to help us out, how about we do something about this?
BalasPadamHope that both the state government and the federal government will make more efforts to solve this matter.
BalasPadamThis issue must be solved with the cooperation between our country and their country.