Man receives 16 years' imprisonment for killing fellow countryman
10th March, 2011 KOTA KINABALU: A Filipino received 16 years’ imprisonment for the killing of a 30-year-old countryman in Menggatal last year.
Sessions Court judge Rajalingam a/l S.S. Maniam meted out the jail term on Nasir Mohd Isa, 44, who admitted to the killing of Alson Salih Alih, on Jan 24, last year between 8.30 to 9.30pm in a shrubby area near Kg. Gudon, Mile 10, Tuaran Bypass Road, Menggatal.
He committed the offence framed under Section 304 (a) Penal Code which carries the maximum 30 years’ imprisonment and a fine upon conviction.
According to the facts of the case, a police report was made by the victim’s wife on Jan 28 regarding his husband’s disappearance.
She said that her husband could not be reached by phone and told police that she last saw Alson was on Jan 22 before she left the house following a domestic dispute.
On Jan 29, last year Sgt Zaidin Zainal Abidin made a police report at Menggatal stated that on Jan 29, around 7.45am, he received a call from a person identified himself as Jair as he was searching for the victim at the construction quarters at Sulaman Road.
- Jair told him that they found a blood stained t-shirt and that earth were dug up near Taman Cerah, in Menggatal.
- According to the victim’s family, prior to Alson’s disappearance, Nasir had accused Alson of having an affair with the former’s wife. The accused was detained on Jan 29 at a construction site in Taman Cerah.
- According to investigations, the accused showed the place where he buried the victim. A spade he used to dig a makeshift grave as well as an iron rod used to strike the victim was also recovered.
The victim fell unconscious when he was hit once at the back of his head. Nasir then dragged Alson for 10 meters and threw him into the hole. When Alson gained consciousness, the accused struck him again now on the head and groin with the iron bar.
Nasir was represented by counsel Hairul Vaiyron Othman while DPPEffizah Ernie Idris prosecuted.
Sesiapa yang melakukan jenayah tidak dapat melarikan diri daripada hukuman undang-undang.
BalasPadamNobody can't escape the law
BalasPadamYeap he deserve it. That's what you get for committing a crime.
BalasPadamI notice most crime in Sabah is caused by this bloody foreigners. I hope effort to solve this PATI issue is still on going.
BalasPadamhukukan terhdapnya seharusnya lebih berat lagi kerana ia adalah kesalahan membunuh.
BalasPadammemang wajar jika pesalah dikenakan hukuman tegas. harap kes seperti ini dapat dibendung.
BalasPadamKita dapat lihat sendiri, warga filipino berani melakukan jenayah dinegara kita. Untuk keselamatan kita rakyat Malaysia. Kerajaan perlulah mengenal latar belakang seseorang sebelum diambil berkerja atau masuk dinegara kita ini. Pastikan latar belakang yang baik.
BalasPadamhabis hukuman di malaysia, hantar terus balik ke negara asal...
BalasPadamSudahlah penduduk asing, berani lagi buat kacau. Siapa yang tidak marah? Nyawa suami dan bapa orang hilang begitu saja.
BalasPadamBukankah hutang nyawa diganti dengan nyawa? Inikan lagi seorang penduduk asing?
BalasPadamHairan betul, hanya kerana syak nyawa manusia melayang begitu saja. huhu
BalasPadamKenapalah, ada manusia yang amat kejam hingga sanggu meragut nyawa org lain. aihss, dunia.. dunia..