Sabtu, November 13, 2010


Making use of minors

Kota Kinabalu November 13, 2010: Minors are being used to smuggle cigarettes into the State.

Their involvement came to light when marine police nabbed three Filipinos, including a 12-year-old boy, and seized 3,700 packets of cigarettes in an operation at Kuala Putatan 2, Friday.

Also confiscated were a Proton Saga car and a speedboat.

The confiscated items were worth about RM60,000.

City Marine Commanding Officer Assistant Superintendent Mohd Aris Jambul said police believe the contraband was brought in from Mangsi in the Philippines by someone else and made a stop at a nearby island before another skipper took over.

"We believe they are using children in order to avoid detection. They (the trio) were paid RM15 per boat," he added.

The operation followed Tuesday's arrest of two Filipinos and the seizure of smuggled cigarettes in the State capital.

During a five-hour surveillance, he said marine personnel saw a boat with its skipper, a 14-old-boy and the Saga at about 1am on the beach in the area.

"The car was driven by a 21-year-old man together with the 12-year-old boy. They were loading boxes from the boat to the car and marine police immediately approached and introduced themselves.

"All three IMM13 holders were paid to bring and load the smuggled items," Aris said, adding the trio had tried to flee upon seeing police.

He said police seized 3,200 packets of LA cigarettes and 500 packets of Premium Gold cigarettes from them and towed the vehicle and speedboat to the City Marine Headquarters.

On Tuesday, the force detained two Filipinos in their 50s and seized 1,940 packets of smuggled cigarettes worth RM24,118 in what used to be an old hotel at Sinsuran.

The cigarettes were also brought in from Mangsi to be distributed to street peddlers and several individuals here.

Thus far, police have recorded 10 such cases involving smuggled cigarettes and alcohol worth RM474,760 in the State capital.










26 ulasan:

  1. Pendatang tanpa izin akan terus mendatangkan pelbagai masalah dalam negeri.

  2. congratulation! but keep watching because the smugglers will change their strategy at anytime..

  3. This is what happen if the authorities did not seriously address the problem of the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah. those PATI will always be the center or behind the smugglers to ensure the success of their crime in these state.

  4. The solution to these issue is to deport these PATI back to where they come from. Well at least by doing that can decrease this smuggling issue.

  5. kerja yang bagus dari pihak polis, kegiatan penyeludupan rokok ini perlu dibendung.

  6. Please deport them right away! They cause nothing but trouble.

  7. harap pekara seperti ini perlu terus dipantau dan dibendung.

  8. kegiatan penyeludupan rokok ini menyebabkan banyak remaja mampu membeli rokok kerana harga yang murah. harap polis akan berjya membanteras pekara ini,.

  9. If the PTI issues is not resolved immediately, there will be more problems coming up.

  10. This the big problem in Sabah is PATI or foreign. So for authorities, please handle and solve the smuggle cigarettes in Sabah. Please do you job. No corruption..

  11. Perlu dibendung penyeludupan rokok ke Sabah. Ini akan menguntungkan satu pihak sahaja. Oleh itu, tolong selesaikan masalah penyeludupan rokok ini. Memang kita boleh nampak sendiri banyak rokok seludup di negeri ini berdanding dengan negeri-negeri lain.

  12. Usaha untuk membenteras penyeludupan rokok harus diberi perhatian oleh pihak tertentu.

  13. Tide control should be exercise to protect the children/youth of the country.Do expediate & resolve the illegal immigrant matter. Step up the control and check on theIMM13 holders !!
    Do have campaion on anti -smoking to remind the public

  14. Kegiatan menjual rokok begitu aktif sekian lama terutamanya di bahagian2 bandar samada di Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Lahad Datu dan Tawau. Walaupun pihak berkuasa berjaya menumpaskan sindikit penyeludupan rokok ini tetapi kegiatan mereka tidak pernah berhenti begitu sahaja. Diharap tindakan tegas perlu dilakukan dan sentiasa mengawasi pergerakan penyeludupan rokok dari masa ke semasa.

  15. Punca pelbagai penyeludupan di negeri ini terutamanya penyeludupan rokok adalah disebabkan kehadiran PATI yang bebas berkeliaran dari pelbagai bahagian di negeri ini. Selain itu kegiatan penyeludupan rokok mempunyai hubungan dengan'orang dalam' agar rokok mudah dijual.

  16. Pihak berkuasa perlu menjalankan operasi bersepadu setiap masa dalam melaksanakan pembenterasan penyeludupan rokok di sekitar negeri ini.

  17. kebanyakan pengedar2 dan penjual rokok di Sabah adalah pendatang asing, mereka ini harus ditangkap kerana mereka adalah punca wujudnya masalah sosial di negeri ini.

  18. mungkin inilah masanya untuk kerajaan mengharamkan IMM13...lagipun, ianya sudah tidak relevan..pilipina bukan lagi dalam peperangan..maka harus dihantar pulang pemegang IMM13 dan musnahkan kawasan penempatan mereka di telipok..

  19. pihak kerajaan sudah memberikan kerjasama yang cukup untuk melindungi pelarian pilipina..kini adalah giliran pilipina untuk memberikan kerjasama serupa dengan menerima pelarian2 tersebut. jika pilipina enggan bekerjasama maka adalah wajar hubungan diplomatik diputuskan.

  20. di kawasan pasar malam inanam, begitu aktif penjual2 rokok haram bergerak..bukan sahaja lelaki malah wanita dan kanak2..pihak berkuasa harus segera mengambil tindakan..

  21. kebanyakan yang menjual rokok seludup ini adalah warga asing. harap masalah ini akan dapat diselesaikan.

  22. Well, they strive for life. It's not weird.

  23. Kaum pilak memang tidak boleh disangkal lagi!

  24. These people are tarnishing our image.

  25. Pihak berkuasa seharusnya membuat tindakan tegas terhadap mereka. Ada lagi yang bergelimpangan meminta sedekah di sepanjang jalan. Ini harus ditelusi.

  26. This is serious. Serious case needs to be done in serious solution.
