"We think those who are objecting to the project don't really understand the needs of the people they are blindly objecting to it without sufficient information," he said.
"We are confident that Sabah Umno members numbering more than 400,000 support the project. We call on the Government to expedite the project for the sake of the people,"
"We challenge them to provide academic proof of the so-called bad effects of using coal to generate power in countries like Canada, Europe and Australia,"
Umno Sepanggar chief, Jumat Haji Idris
"It will still take time to go through a proper EIA report and it will still take time to build the coal fired power plant. (With) the time it takes to do that, I would have thought the Government could at least explore other alternatives as well,"
"The area around Darvel Bay and Tabin Wildlife cannot be described as 'far' in terms of pollution. I think the public deserves to know the company, what methods
they'll be using and the measures they intend to take to trap the pollution which can be through the air, soil, rivers and into the sea,"
"This will have a significant impact on humans, plant, animal and marine life. As such the EIA report should encompass a comprehensive study on the company's technology as well as their track record elsewhere in terms of corporate environmental responsibilities."
Sabah Anglers Association (SAA) President Datuk Wilfred Lingham
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