100% power supply coverage in Sabah by 2012 – SESB
KOTA KINABALU Oct 14, 2011: Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) is confident that the RM962.5 million allocated to Sabah under the national 2012 Budget will expand electricity supply coverage in the state to almost 100 per cent.
According to its managing director, Datuk Ir Baharin Din, SESB’s coverage is now 80 per cent of the state.
“With this financial injection of about RM1 billion, I am confident that the state and federal governments with the cooperation of all quarters, including SESB, will be able to expand the electricity supply coverage in Sabah towards the target of 95 per cent by 2012.
“I believe the allocation will give positive contribution in the electric supply infrastructure network, especially in the rural areas of the state, many of which have not received electrical supply,” he told reporters yesterday.
Baharin also expressed SESB’s appreciation to the federal government for the Budget 2012, especially on the allocation to provide rural electrification in Sabah.
According to him, in the breakdown, Sabah has been allocated RM962.5 million for 2012 and 2013.
SESB hopes that this fund will further spur the drive for the development of rural electrification, he said, adding that the federal government’s sensitivity to Sabah’s needs, especially to SESB as the huge allocation will spur the state’s electricity supply infrastructure in the rural areas.
“SESB is also thankful for the continuation of the RM20 rebate to domestic consumers, which was supposed to expire by the end of December 2011, but has been continued for 2012. Details will be announced by the federal government in due time,” he said.
Baharin also announced to the media that SESB’s annual Vendor Day will be held on October 24 and 25 at the lobby of Wisma SESB here.
“A few MoUs and service agreements will be signed during the event. As of today, we have received commitment from more than 40 participants who are interested to set up booths at the event,” he said.
Among the programmes lined up for the two days is a seminar for SESB and participants to share knowledge towards further developing the vendors in Sabah.
According to Baharin, Industrial Development Minister Datuk Raymond Tan will be the guest of honour at the event which is aimed at changing the mindset of the people on SESB from being a government agency to a business body which works together to assist entrepreneurs and the industry in the state to develop further.
“The way we do this through SESB which provides the kick-start market for vendors, especially those involved in the manufacturing of products to be nurtured, developed and eventually become successful vendors.
“Through this programme, we have successfully guided three local vendors who are now supplying SESB with products which we had to purchase from outside, namely poles, electric meters and supply boxes,” he said, adding that the contract value is worth about RM20 million.
Hope everything goes well.
BalasPadamThis is the time for SESB to proof that they can fix bad situation.
BalasPadamAll the best and hopefully all things are getting better.
BalasPadamNo one can deny that SESB has improved in the past 2-3 years...this is also due to the significant increase in federal government allocation to improve Sabah's electrical facilities...but much need to be done to address the constant black out in a number of location, especially in Sandakan.
BalasPadamSESb harus tingkatkan mutu perkhidmatan mereka. bekalan perlu disalurkan ke semua kawasan.
BalasPadammasih byk kawasan yang mengalami masalah bekalan eletrik.
BalasPadamHopefully there will be 100% power supply coverage in Sabah by 2012.
BalasPadamSESB boleh! This is a Boleh land kan.
BalasPadambaguslah jika begitu. diharap juga pihak SESB akan dapat bertindak dengan cepat jika berlaku 'black out' disebabkan ribut atau bencana2 alam lain yang tidak dijangka.
BalasPadamharap2 semua kawasan2 pedalaman yang masih belum ada bekalan elektrik juga akan dapat dicapai pada tahun 2012.
BalasPadamrebat RM20 harus diteruskan untuk meringankan beban pengguna khasnya yang miskin.
BalasPadamdi samping itu, rebat ini juga akan menggalakkan pengguna supaya berjimat menggunakan tenaga..
BalasPadamapa2 pun diharap SESB akan menggandakan usaha membekalkan tenaga letrik di kawasan pedalaman sabah khasnya..
BalasPadamperuntukan tersebut harus digunakan dengan sebaiknya dan haruslah benar2 sampai kepada rakyat..diharap sasaran SESB akan tercapai..
BalasPadammenyediakan kemudahan asas seperti tenaga letrik adalah salah satu agenda dalam NKRA yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan..keperluan asas ini adalah hak kita semua dan kerajaan tidak meminggirkan rakyat di pedalaman..sebaliknya kerajaan memperuntukkan peruntukkan yang besar dalam bajet 2012 untuk memastikan rakyat di pedalaman sabah menikmati keperluan asas ini.
BalasPadamdi samping itu, SESB juga harus memastikan tiada lagi 'fenomena black out' di sabah yang mana menjejaskan rakyat..diharap masalah black out ini dapat diatasi selaras dengan sasaran SESB untuk menyediakan bekalan tenaga pada 100% pada tahun 2012.
BalasPadamkecurian kabel dan tenaga letrik juga harus dipantau dan diatasi..
BalasPadamBaguslah tu.. Tapi ada keyakinan ja pun susah kalau takda usaha berterusan. hihi
BalasPadamWalaupun black out mungkin k/kala tak dapat dielakan, harap cara mengatasi b/out dipertingkatkan.
BalasPadamSelain itu pastikan kawasan2 pedalam yang takda elektrik dapat disalurkan menjelang 2012.
BalasPadamSemoga semua perancangan berjalan lancar demi kebaikan bersama.
BalasPadamApapun, kita nantikan saja nanti perkembanganmnya.
BalasPadamKadang2 masalah b/out ne bukan disebabkan masalah dri SESB tp kecurian kabel oleh org2 yg tidak bertanggungjawab..itu yg menyusahkan semua org tu..
BalasPadamKita harapkan agar semua berjalan dengan lancar dan semua berpuas hati...
BalasPadamdan diharapkan peruntukan yg ada akan digunakan sebaik mungkin dan SESB akan semakin membaiki mutu kerja mereka...
BalasPadam"I believe the allocation will give positive contribution in the electric supply infrastructure network, especially in the rural areas of the state, many of which have not received electrical supply,"
BalasPadamLook forward SESB can upgrading their supply and services so that more people in Sabah enjoy sufficient electricity supply as a basic needs.
Sufficient supply can encourage more investor.
BalasPadam"SESB is also thankful for the continuation of the RM20 rebate to domestic consumers, which was supposed to expire by the end of December 2011, but has been continued for 2012. Details will be announced by the federal government in due time,"
BalasPadamSemoga ini bukannya janji manis yang tidak ditunaikan. Jangan sesekali mengecewakan rakyat. Kami menunggu berita baik dari persekutuan.
"Through this programme, we have successfully guided three local vendors who are now supplying SESB with products which we had to purchase from outside, namely poles, electric meters and supply boxes,” he said, adding that the contract value is worth about RM20 million."
BalasPadamSemoga pihak SESB memberi keutamaan kepada syarikat tempatan supaya syarikat tersebut lebih berkembang dan membantu meningkatkan ekonomi tempatan juga.
"Baharin also expressed SESB’s appreciation to the federal government for the Budget 2012, especially on the allocation to provide rural electrification in Sabah."
BalasPadamSemoga peruntukan dari kerajaan persekutuan dapat membantu memperkembangkan infrasturktur bekalan electrik khas tempatan pedalaman. Keperluan kawasan pedalaman juga perlu memngambil perhatian.
Kawasan pendalaman perlu diberikan perhatian yg lebih.. mereka lebih memerlukannya..
BalasPadamSyabas usaha SESB untuk membaiki bekalan dan perkhidmatannya. Semoga misi SESB untuk memberi 100% bekalan tercapai dalam tempoh yang dibuat.
BalasPadamKawasan pedalaman seharus memberi perhatian yang lebih wajar agar golongan ini mendapat bekalan yang mencukupi juga. Teruskan usaha!
BalasPadamRebat RM20 seharus diberi khas untuk golongan yang kurang pendapatan. Ini boleh meringankan beban mereka.
BalasPadamWalaupun bekalan diberi 100% tetapi takyat seharus menjimat dan bijak mengguna bekalan yang diberi.
BalasPadamKerajaan seharus bijak mengguna peruntukan yang diberi oleh kerajaan persekutuan. Seharus memberi keutamaan kepada projek yang perlu dijalankan terlebih dahulu.
BalasPadamConfident is nothing if there is no action being done to expand the electricity.
BalasPadammasih belum boleh dibanggakan selagi masih diperingkat pengumuman.. berusahalah untuk mencapai sasaran itu..
BalasPadammungkin sesb juga tidak mengetahui mana2 kawasan yang belum mendapat bekalan elektrik, oleh itu pemimpin2 masyarakat perlulah berhubung terus dengan pihak sesb bagi mendapatkan penyelesaian, bukannya menyalurkan aduan mereka kepada parti2 politik..
BalasPadamsemoga semua kawasan akan dapat menikmati bekalan elektrik..
BalasPadamharap semuanya akan berjalan lancar dan SESB dapat meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan mereka.
BalasPadamHarap SESB berjaya melakukan apa yang mereka rancangkan.
BalasPadamKita tunggulah dan lihat sama ada mereka berjaya ataupun tidak, kita harapkanlah yang terbaik.
BalasPadamThanks for the government is making the effort to improve the electricity problem in the state. Lets work together and make it happen as proposed.
BalasPadamHope SESB can do and give the best service to people..
BalasPadamThe electric shortage problem will resolve if SESB seriously to handle this problem.
BalasPadamHopefully, there is still room for improvement.
BalasPadamYang penting usaha untuk menangani masalah elektrik di Sabah ini.
BalasPadamI believe in SESB.
BalasPadamInisiatif harus ada untuk meningkatkan kredibiliti SESB.
BalasPadamGood luck.
BalasPadamGood news for Sabah. There has been some improvement on the power cut these days. We are looking for 100 % and 0 power cut.