Migrants threatening security, peace: SAPP

"Whether the migrants possess documents or not they still contribute to the social and economic problems that directly affect the security of Malaysia and Sabah," he said.
"Whether they came here legally or not, they have flooded Sabah for so long to the extent of causing an extraordinary population boom.
"From 1970 to 2011, Sabah's population had increased by more than 390 per cent and this is very extraordinary even the highest in the world," he said in a statement here Wednesday.
"They (foreign migrants) are taking away jobs from the locals and are often involved in crimes," he said commenting on the statement by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Mohamed Nazri Aziz in Parliament.
Mohamed Nazri was reported as saying that the presence of foreigners in Sabah was not a threat to the country's security.
However, he admitted that there had been a steep hike in Sabah's population for the past 40 years.
According to Dullie, hundreds of thousands of foreigners had entered Sabah legally but continued to stay in the State after their visitor pass expired, making them illegal immigrants.
However, he said in just a blink of an eye these illegal immigrants were given citizenship after getting the MyKad in a doubtful manner to become the so-called new citizens.
He said these new citizens were also registered as voters and there had been many cases where the details of the voters like their father's name was missing.
More worrying, he said was that the new citizens had been acknowledged as Bumiputera and could grab all the privileges of the Bumiputera in Sabah.
Dullie said SAPP had thought of an approach to address this issue with the proposed Sabah IC, which is only to be issued to genuine Sabahans which would differentiate them from the new citizens.
He said the Sabah IC would be introduced once SAPP formed the State Government after the 13th General Election.
Nazri underestimates Sabahans’ intelligence – Christina
“How about sending these 890,000 illegal immigrants to the Peninsula for a start? It is not only petty crime, it is about bringing transmittable diseases, human trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking and security problems to Sabah.
“Our KK city police have been doing a good job in busting some housebreaking gangs now and then, but it does not help to curb the influx of illegal immigrants who commit big crime.
Kota Kinabalu Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) chief Christina Liew
Kenyataan Nazri sememangnya mengundang kemarahan rakyat Sabah. sepatutnya beliau sensitif dengan perasaan rakyat Sabah yang sudah lama bergelumang dengan isu PATI.
BalasPadamNazri perlu lebih berhati-hati membuat kenyataan. Masalah PATI di Sabah sangat dekat di hati rakyat Sabah.
Padamisu PATI masih merisaukan sebab golongan ini semakin bertambah.
PadamKehadiran PATI atau warga asing yang tidak terkawal amatlah membimbangkan akan keselamatan penduduk di Negeri Sabah ini. Ini boleh mengganggu ketenteraman dan keselamatan orang awam.
PadamDalam hal ini, saya memang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan Nazri kerana kenyataan tu sama dengan kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Mahathir sebelum ni. Ia seolah2 membayangkan isu PATI tidak begitu kritikal dan boleh dipandang remeh.
BalasPadamItu sekadar pendapat peribadi si Nazri Aziz dan tidak mewakili kerajaan persekutuan.
PadamMost of the state’s prison population are illegal immigrants, they have contributed to an increase of crime rates.
BalasPadamWhat are these community contribute to Malaysia?
PadamIllegal immigration also puts a fiscal burden on the taxpayers.
BalasPadamDealing with illegal immigration poses enormous economic, social, and security challenges to a country.
BalasPadamIllegal immigration poses a potentially serious security risk in the absence of massive economic abilities to assuage (not solve) the problem.
BalasPadamwalau apa pun kenyataan Nazri tu bukan kenyataan PM. Pm yang kasi lulus RCI.
BalasPadamGolongan ini mengancam kestabilan ekonomi dan membawa lebih banyak masalah social.
BalasPadamGolongan PATI digunakan untuk tujuan mencapai kemenangan politik.
BalasPadamSiapa harus bertanggung jawab terhadap kemasukan PATI? Imigresen? JPN? Kerajaan BN?
BalasPadamThe government need to look into the matter.
BalasPadamI suggest such issue should not be taken lightly.
BalasPadamSomething needs to be done until it is out of control.
BalasPadamThe authorities have to consider it serious.
BalasPadamIs the economy really affected by these illegal immigrants?