Kota Kinabalu August 26, 2012: School leaders, teachers and parents have an equally important role to play in preparing students for any important public examination, be it UPSR, PMR, SPM or STPM.
State Education Director, Datuk Dr Muhiddin Yusin, said now is a crucial time for teachers in examination classes to complete the syllabus, and students themselves must start revising their lessons.
Expressing concern, he said while students may be fully prepared in terms of being equipped with knowledge, some may not be ready to face the examination, mentally or emotionally.
Dr Muhiddin is of the conviction that if students face the examination with calm, confidence and optimism, they can excel academically.
"In this regard, I exhort parents, school heads (principals, headmasters and headmistresses) and teachers to pay serious attention to this particular aspect.
"They have to do their part to provide moral support in efforts to ensure that the candidates are in a positive frame of mind to tackle the examination effectively," he said when met at his Hari Raya Open House event at Kepayan, near here, Saturday.
School authorities were also reminded to make the necessary physical preparations for their school halls to be turned into suitable examination centres.
"Similarly, I hope officials who are involved and teachers who are appointed invigilators will carry out their duties to the best of their ability to ensure smooth progress of the public examinations.
"There must not be any letdown in conducting the examinations.
Any non-compliance with regulations or problems arising could jeopardise the chances of the students.
"In discharging our duties, we must safeguard the good name of the country or state in general, without undermining the credibility of the State Education Department in particular," Dr Muhiddin cautioned.
Among the guests present were Deputy Chief Minister cum Minister of Resource Development and Information Technology, Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai and wife Datin Vicky, Rector of UiTM Sabah, Dr Abdul Kadir Roslin, Associate Professor Matzin Matkib, Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (FCAM) Women Bureau Chief, Datuk Agnes Shim, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Community Development and Consumer Affairs, Datuk Asnimar Hj Sukardi and spouse, Datuk Zaki Gusmiah, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Resource Development and Information Technology, Bruno Vun and wife Annie Kong, Director of Institut Pendidikan Guru, Sarawak Campus, Nuri Udin, Education Department officials and President of Sabah Computer Society, George Taitim Tulas.
Semua pihak memainkan peranan untuk memastikan kecemerlangan pelajar itu sendiri. Tapi ibubapa memainkan peranan untuk memastikan pelajar dapat menumpukan pendidikan mereka dengan baik.
BalasPadamPelajar, ibubapa, guru-guru juga memainkan peranan.
Padamsemua harus memainkan peranan dalam memastikan kecemerlangan anak2.
PadamPeluang belajar yang ada diharus disia-siakan.
BalasPadamBelajarlah dengan sungguh-sunguh untuk mencapai cita-cita.
BalasPadamNegara kami memerlukan generasi yang berbakat dan berkeupayaan. Jadi, mainkan peranan sebagai pelajar untuk mencapai cita-cita.
PadamWalaupun ibubapa dan guru menjadi pendorong kepada kejayaan pelajar namun diri pelajar tu sendiri juga menjadi faktor terpenting. kalau tiada niat, tiada azam dan usaha dari diri sendiri, semuanya tidak akan berhasil.
BalasPadamwhile students may be fully prepared in terms of being equipped with knowledge, some may not be ready to face the examination, mentally or emotionally.
BalasPadamTanggung jawab pelajar semakin berat, mereka digunakan untuk memenuhi ibubapa.
ada banyak faktor yang boleh membantu kecemerlangan pelajar.. bukan sahaja peranan ibubapa bapa, malah tempat belajar (kemudahan2 yang disediakan disekolah) dan juga komitmen guru2..
BalasPadamDatuk Dr Maximus Ongkili paid tribute to teachers for their role in nation-building and urged them to continuously upgrade their skills and standard.
BalasPadamHe said the teaching profession was dynamic and constantly evolving thereby placing demand on teachers to upgrade themselves or else they would face the risk of becoming irrelevant.
BalasPadamTeaching is a profession that involves continuous learning and re-learning. Its impact on society is long term and long lasting. Teachers are therefore key nation builders.
BalasPadamDr Maximus said in order to upgrade the quality of teaching in schools, teachers must be goal-drive and seek to be a ‘gold mine’ of knowledge.
BalasPadamTo be a gold mine of knowledge, we must make a profession out of teaching and teaching as a profession cannot be treated like just another job or source of income.
BalasPadamTeachers have direct impact on the lives of children and young people and therefore the future of the nation.
BalasPadamDr Maximus said in the era of globalisation, the challenges for teachers to upgrade their skills were demanding especially with the evolution in teaching methods and academic content brought about by information and communication technology.