Fat oil royalty will enhance devt – Sabah PKR Youth
KOTA KINABALU August 26, 2012: Sabah should be getting ‘a fat’ oil royalty from the federal government to help the State Government in providing basic infrastructure not only in the rural but also in the suburban areas.
Expressing support for the call to increase oil royalty, Sabah PKR Youth chief Mohd Serman Hassnar said since the formation of Malaysia in 1963, Sabah has only been getting 5 per cent from its petroleum revenue.
This meagre oil royalty has partly caused Sabah to be one of the poorest states with a high percentage of poverty in Malaysia, he said when commenting on Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman’s statement that he believed the oil royalty issue is open for amicable discussions with the Federal Government.
“We have been waiting for so long to have what we deserve as petroleum producer. We cannot take the lip service for granted because at end of the day, the people will have to suffer, while those in high position will become rich.
“It is an embarrassment for the people of Sabah, living in one of the richest states but most of its roads are in bad condition, while some of them are of low quality, no electricity, no clean water, schools with not enough teachers, classrooms with not enough chairs and tables… well all these hardship of living is in Sabah,” he said.
Mohd Serman said even former Petronas chairman, Tengku Razaliegh Hamzah had said when launching Angkatan Amanah Sabah here that the State Government should listen to the request of the people who have been pressing for an increase in oil royalty.
“To increase oil royalty (to 20 percent) for Sabah will be one of the best solutions to find funds to seal all roads from east to west, from north to south, from district to district, from village to village throughout the State. We need to have increased oil royalty to ensure every single genuine citizen of Sabah will benefit from it,” he said.
Teruskan memperjuangkan oil royalti Sabah ini. Tambahan lagi Datuk Musa telah pun meminta perkara ini untuk disemak semula.
BalasPadamSemoga semua pemimpin Sabah akan menyokong semak semula tentang perkara ni termasuklah pembangkang.
Padammoga Sabah akan dpt royalti yang sepatutnya.
PadamMinyak yang terdapat di Sabah adalah hak penduduk Sabah. Mengenai royalti 5% itu patut disalahkan adalah Datuk Harris.
BalasPadamBukan saja menandatangani 5% kadar royalti malah menjual Labuan.
PadamKita tidak patut menyalahkan kerajaan yang ada sekarang ini. Mereka cuma meneruskan apa yang sudah berlaku dahulu. Jadi tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa.
BalasPadamKita bersyukur dengan pemimpin BN Sabah yang ada sekarang ini. Kerana mereka tetap akan berusaha untuk yang terbaik kepada rakyat Sabah.
BalasPadamSekarang ini kerajaan Datuk Musa sedang berusaha untuk menyemak semula isu minyak royalti Sabah ini. Semoga isu ini akan dapat diselesaikan dengan perbincangan kedua-dua pihak.
BalasPadamMusa jg ingin Sabah mendapt hasil yang sepatutnya dari Petronas.
PadamDatuk Musa had also said as a caring leader, the Prime Minister was always prepared to listen to the voice and needs of the people.The time has come to hold another discussion to consider a review of the oil royalty.
BalasPadamThe United Sabah Chinese Communities Association Kota Kinabalu president John Lim Yu Sin said Sabahans would certainly enjoy the economic benefits when the oil royalty is reviewed. The hike in the oil royalty can be likened to an increase in our monthly salary, imagine how many things we can do especially in accelerating the development and transformation of this state
BalasPadamSabah and Sarawak should have their own panel to talk to the federal government. It is not necessary to be part of the panel for the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
BalasPadamSuch royalty should adjust base on inflation rate.
BalasPadamsenang la minta 20%.. macam mana pula dengan kos operasi petronas dan kos subsidi? tunggu saja la hasil kajian.. kalau pertimbangan jawatankuasa khas royalti minyak bahawa 20% itu relevan dan boleh dicapai, ia tetap akan dilaksanakan..