Rabu, Mei 02, 2012


Minimum wage ‘half-baked’ attempt

An economist, however, says that East Malaysians would be grateful for the minimum wage but will be questioning the 'perceived inequality'.

PETALING JAYA May 2, 2012: A political observer has branded the newly introduced mininum wage as a “half-baked” attempt to settle a long-standing dispute.

James Chin of Monash University noted that if it was a living wage that the government had in mind then the rate had to be nothing less than RM1,000.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak on Tuesday had instead announced a minimum wage of RM900 and RM800 that had been set for Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak respectively.

In light of this, Chin dismissed any notion of the minimum wage causing positive ripples for Barisan Nasional in an election that is still tipped to take place next month.

“The strongest hint of this is the silence on the part of the Malaysian Employers’ Federation (MEF) which is usually the first to issue a statement,” he stated.

“MEF’s silence is a clear indication that the minimum wage will not have any effect on employers or workers. It will benefit a small minority and have a public relations impact but that’s about it.”

Chin also pointed out that unions had been lobbying for RM1,500 as the minimum wage and therefore the proposed rate would not make any notable difference.

He also questioned whether the rate was meant as a basic salary or overall pay.

According to him, if it was the former then those who are working in low-end jobs would benefit, but if it was the latter then nothing would change.

“Many people in low-end jobs are already working overtime,” Chin said. “And the rate doesn’t cover casual workers (workers paid on a daily basis) as they too already work overtime.”

Another party that believed the minimum wage had fallen short was the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC), Sarawak branch, which balked at the “unfair” gap between the two rates.

Its chairman, Mohamad Hamid Ibrahim, yesterday pointed out that the cost of living was up to 25% higher in Sarawak and that workers at fast-food outlets in Kuching were paid just before the poverty line of RM962.

‘East Malaysians would be grateful’

But Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS) chairman Ramon Navaratnam believed that many East Malaysians would nevetheless be grateful for the minimum wage despite the discrepancy.

“Any gift is appreciated and this is one that is long overdue,” he told FMT. “On the whole, the rate is more than satisfactory, acceptable and very timely.”

He clarified that while the rate for East Malaysia was “technically” reasonable it was however “politically ill-advised” as it could raise questions of “perceived inequality”.

“Workers in East Malaysia may demand to know why they are being treated differently,” Ramon said.

“They may feel that they should be compensated more as they are deprived of the facilities enjoyed by Malaysians in the Peninsula.”

Asked if this would bear a negative impact on BN during the next general election, the prominent economist said that the number of grateful East Malaysians would trump the number of unhappy voters.

“No there won’t be a backlash against BN,” he stated. “Anyway, backlash is too strong a word to use for just a small group of unhappy people.”

Stephanie Sta Maria


Reconsider minimum wage quantum in Sabah, Sarawak – Social activist

“With all the government incentives for the private sector and investments in the state, I see no reason why the minimum wage cannot be higher or equal with the minimum wage imposed in the peninsula.

“Our currency is the same whether in the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. There should be some fairness in how the government execute its social responsibility,”

Datuk Patrick Sindu

55 ulasan:

  1. At least its better than nothing.

  2. Hope that the Minimum Wage Policy will be implemented as promised 6 months from now.

    1. hope there will be a rise in the worker's wages.

    2. A Minimum Wage Policy was something that was raised many times before this, finally the government has agreed to implement this policy.


    3. The minimum wage is worth for consideration.

    4. Belum tahu lagi impak gaji terendah ini.

  3. Sekurang-kurang minimum wage di Sabah boleh meningkatkan gaji rakyat sabah.

    1. The government's proposal of RM800 for Sabah and RM900 for Semenanjung seems reasonable. Of course some people still feels that its not enough, but I think we should take one step at a time. Currently some household can only earn around RM400-RM600 which is simply not enough, at least a minimum wage of RM800 will help improve their lives a little.


    2. Memang telah naik namun masih banyak yang harus diketengahkan.

    3. Langkah demi langkah di buat oleh kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat.

  4. Diharap perbincangan cabotage policy akan lebih membantu rakyat Sabah menaiktarafkan kehidupan.

  5. the rights of workers should be protected. this can't go on forever, it isn't fair.

    1. So desuka. The minimum wage policy should be enforced now.

  6. harap harap boleh berubah lebih banyak lagi.

    1. kadar gaji minimum ini akan dikaji dari masa ke masa.

  7. gaji di sabah memang sedikit

    1. Harap gaji di Sabah akan lebih baik pada masa akan datang.

  8. It will be a good thing if the federal approves of the minimum wage.

  9. This can help enhance the civil workers and their wages

  10. More developments like this are expected later this year.

  11. Let’s see how smooth it will go in the next 6 months.

  12. Hopeing the minimum wage will be about other relating positive changes

  13. I hope the minimum wage will bring about other relating positive changes***

    1. I'm sure there will be some positive changes in the country after this Minimum Wage Policy is set up.


  14. East and west Malaysia should be treated equally.

  15. The minimum wage will influence how the people vote. Will the east malaysians remain supporting BN/UMNO? we will only know when election comes.

  16. Do you really want the shop keeper to pay the staff RM 800 when the present wages are RM 400 to RM500 per month? then the shop owner will increase the price of the goods esp those who are operating the food industry or reduce the staff.

    1. maka kerajaan harus memastikan harga barangan tidak akan dinaikkan..

    2. Harga barang perlu juga di pantau agar tidak di naikkn sesuka hati oleh perniaga.

  17. Kadar gaji minima tidak akan bersifat statik dan akan sentiasa dikaji dari semasa ke semasa. Ia bergantung kepada tingkat kemakmuran negara, daya saing nasional dan produktiviti syarikat bagi memastikan gaji minimum akan sentiasa berada di atas garis kemiskinan negara.

  18. Majikan kecil atau “micro enterprises” diberikan tempoh kuat kuasa gaji minimum yang lebih lama iaitu selama 12 bulan daripada tarikh Perintah Gaji Minimum diwartakan bagi kelompok ini membuat persediaan sepenuhnya agar peniagaan mereka tidak terjejas.

    1. Jika ada kalangan majikan yang benar-benar tidak dapat melaksanakan gaji minimum boleh memohon pelanjutan tempoh peralihan.

  19. Kadar gaji minimum yang berbeza antara Semenanjung dengan Sabah, Sarawak dan Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan adalah kerana perbezaan struktur upah dan kos sara hidup yang ketara
    Walaupun begitu, untuk tempoh dua atau tiga tahun akan datang, kerajaan berharap kadar gaji minimum bagi negeri-negeri Sabah, Sarawak dan Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan dapat diselaraskan dengan kadar gaji minimum bagi Semenanjung.

    1. diharapkan juga polisi kabotaj turut dimansuhkan untuk menyeragamkan harga barangan antara semenanjung dan malaysia timur.

    2. Kabotaj membebankan rakyat sahaja.

    3. Polisi kabotaj perlu di kaji lagi untuk kesenangan rakyat Sabah.

  20. sebelum ini kadar gaji di Sabah amat rendah, ada yang mendapat RM350 sebulan. ini amat kecil. pelaksanaan gaji minimum RM800 bagi sabah dpt tambahkan pendapatan pekerja.

    1. dan kerajaan harus memastikan dasar ini dipatuhi oleh semua majikan swasta di sabah..

    2. Ini juga menjadi sebab utama harga barangan meningkat.

    3. ya, sebelum ini ada pekerja yang dibayar cuma rm 300 saja. jadi penetapan gaji menimum adalah baik bagi mereka.

  21. kalau gaji minimum ini termasuk dengan elaun, komisen dan bayaran OT, rasanya tidak patut...kerajaan perlu menetapkan garis gaji asas yang lebih jelas..

  22. adakah dasar gaji minimum swasta ini merangkumi kesemua industri dan jenis pekerjaan swasta? adakah termasuk pekerja2 di restoran, car wash dan sebagainya?

    1. mungkin penerangan lanjut perlu diberikan terhadap persoalan-persolan yang timbul.

  23. Ini membebankan majikan kecil-kecilan juga.

    1. Perlu ambil perhatian juga kepada peniaga2 kecil.. rm 800 tu mungkin besar bagi mereka.

  24. Pendapatan majikan di Sabah puin kena pertimbangkan juga. Bukan semua dapat keuntungan yang banyak dan mampu membayar gaji pekerja dengan jumlah yang banyak.

    1. ya..banyak pekara yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum sesuatu dibuat.

  25. Masalah yang dihadapi sekarang adalah harga barangan yang kebanyakannya lebih mahal daripada di Malaya. Ketidakseimbangan pendapatan dengan perbelanjaan yang harus ditanggung yang membuatkan rakyat Sabah merana.

    1. sekiranya kerajaan mengumumkan gaji minimum rm1000 keatas, saya rasa lagi tinggi harga barang selepas ini kerana para majikan akan memindahkan kos itu operasi mereka kepada pengguna..

  26. penetapan gaji minimum adalah satu permulaan yang baik.

  27. Mengenai cadangan gaji minimum ini adalah satu usaha yang baik daripada kerajaan.

  28. bagi saya, gaji minimum yang diumumkan ini boleh disifatkan sebagai satu perkembangan baik walaupun jumlahnya masih kecil berbanding dengan taraf hidup masa kini.. skim ini perlu dilaksanakan secara berperingkat2 supaya para majikan boleh menyesuaikan undang2 baru ini dengan baik bagi mengelakkan kesan seperti kenaikkan harga barang dan juga pengangguran..
