Khamis, April 12, 2012


Bangkit 2.0 to hand memo to opposition

KOTA KINABALU April 12, 2012: Bela Tanah Rakyat Sabah or Tabah president Hisammuddin Sulaiman yesterday said they would be organising a peaceful gathering on April 28 at Padang Merdeka here.

During the gathering which is named “Himpunan Rakyat Sabah Bangkit Pertahan Tanah Adat or Bangkit 2.0”, Tabah will be handing over a memorandum on land issues in Sabah to an opposition leader.

“We have yet to identify who the opposition leader will be although we will try our best to get Pakatan Rakyat (PR) chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to receive the memorandum on land issues in Sabah which has been the bane of natives in the state,” he told a press conference yesterday.

According to Hisammuddin, Tabah is handing over the memorandum to the opposition because the state Barisan Nasional (BN) government is not interested to find out the problems listed in the document.


Communal land titles not a good idea — SANO

PENAMPANG April 12, 2012: Sabah Native Cultural and Welfare Organization (SANO) president Samson Quintin has expressed disappointment over the government’s decision to stop issuing native land titles to natives.

He said the decision that required natives to apply for land under communal land titles was not a good idea as it could affect future generations.

“From now onwards, if no native titles are registered under the natives, at the end of the day, land could fall in the hands of foreigners, especially those who have obtained Malaysian citizenship.

“It is a humiliation to the natives when claims are made that natives have sold land to other people.

“We are not denying that land owned by natives have been sold but this was due to their financial constraints,” he said.

Quintin said the government should find the best way to help the natives overcome their problem.

“We cannot afford to develop our land with limited capital without assistance from the government. All this while, the government always overlooked to provide assistance to us in developing our land,” he lamented, adding that the government should have the best strategies to ensure that native land would be developed and would not go to foreigners.

Quintin urged the government to suggest to the Sabah Land Development Board, Koperasi Pembangunan Desa and other related agencies to help develop native land.

11 ulasan:

  1. The state government allowed the Peaceful rally to be held previously, even the head police officer has also given them a permit. Are the BN government really not interested?

  2. The State government said the Land and Survey Department will find a way to resolve the Land Issues previously even though they say the Land Tribunal is not needed. I wonder how the discussion with the party leaders and the experts is going?

  3. This is the first time. A memorandum will be handing over to opposition.

  4. We hope this gathering will not become a tragedy.

  5. Land issue in Sabah is a long standing issue.hope government will keep finding a way to solve this issue.

  6. pasti perhimpunan tu benar2 perhimpunan aman. pastikan ketenteraman awam terjaga dan tidak menganggu.

  7. perhimpunan bukanlah jalan penyelesaian.

  8. Kita tunggu saja apa yang perhimpunan ini akan dapat selepas itu.

  9. PAS datang ke Sabah buat demo saja.. suka betul menimbulkan huru hara.. kenapa tidak bawa saja kes tuntutan tanah ke mahkamah?? bukankah Pakatan mempunyai peguam2 handalan??

  10. jika Pas dan Pakatan benar2 mahu menyelesaikan masalah rakyat Sabah, mereka sepatutnya menggunakan saluran mahkamah, bukannya padang bandaran.. jika kerajaan tidak mahu masalah ini diselesaikan, bagaimana ada kes penduduk kampung berjaya menuntut hak mereka melalui saluran mahkamah??

  11. bagi saya Pakatan senagaja menggunakan pendekatan demonstrasi lebih2 lagi bila ada ura2 pilihanraya umum akan dilaksanakan tahun ini.. ini kerana, kejayaan pakatan merampas 4 buah negeri pada tahun 2008 adalah ekoran daripada perhimpunan Bersih pada tahun 2007..
