Sabah has third most number of illegals
KOTA KINABALU April 24, 2012: Selangor has the highest number of illegal immigrants in the country with 353,306 followed by Kuala Lumpur with 330,321, Sabah 161,548 and Johor 126,064.
Sarawak has no illegal registered and the Federal Territory of Labuan has only 589.
They were among the 1,303,126 illegals registered during the 5P and 6P exercises in Sabah and in the peninsula respectively.
Member of parliament Hiew King Cheu yesterday disclosed the figures after he received a reply from the Minister of Home Affairs in Parliament .
Hiew said this figure did not reflect the real and actual situation in the country due to many not turning out to get themselves registered and they are in hiding.
“The figure of 161,548 mentioned for Sabah may not be a true figure because we Sabahans know that it is more than that,” he said in a statement yesterday.
He added the government blaming it on the long coast line and therefore difficult to notice them from entering, is not true.
“Sarawak has equally longer coast line. Many have said the illegals can come in and out of Sabah freely and whenever they like,” Hiew said.
I did not expect Selangor have the highest number of illegal immigrants in Malaysia even though their state is much smaller compared to Sabah. With 353,306 illegals, Selangor needs the RCI more than Sabah does.
BalasPadamSelangor pesat membangun dengan industri perkilangan dan pembuatan. Peluang pekerjaan pun terbuka luas, itu sebabnya ramai yang tertumpu di negeri Selangor.
PadamWarga asing tidak sama dengan Pendatang Tanpa Izin, satu yang memasuki negara kita dengan dokumen perjalanan dan permit sah, dan satu lagi memasuki menerusi pintu belakang.
PadamTiada masalah mengambil warga asing yang mempunyai permit sah untuk bekerja, tetapi PATI tidak sewajarnya diambil sebagai pekerja.
PadamAll this while the West Malaysia states have blamed Sabah for the highest illegal immigrant count in the country, but it seems that they have even more illegals compared to us. 353,306 in Selangor, 330,321 in Kuala Lumpur and 126,064 in Johor...
BalasPadamRCI sewajarnya dilaksanakan di seluruh negara supaya masalah PATI di Selangor, KL dan Johor juga dapat disiasat.
PadamSarawak yang berada di sebelah Sabah saja pula hampir tiada masalah PATI. Kenapa?
BalasPadamSarawak tiada projek IC, tiada parti yang bawa masuk PATI secara beramai2.
Padambetul tu...di sarawak tidak berlaku projek IC..
PadamKalau hari ini sudah di tempat ketiga, minta2 janganlah jadi tempat pertama pula nanti.
BalasPadamParti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) urged the Federal Government to speed up the formation of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah.
BalasPadamPBS mahu RCI disegerakan penubuhan..
PadamIts Information Chief, Datuk Johnny Mositun, said since Federal Minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok had said that the setting up of the RCI had been endorsed, then PBS would like to urge the Minister-in-charge-of law who was reportedly assigned to prepare the necessary such as the Terms of Reference (TOR) and commission panel members to do so as soon as possible.
BalasPadamThis is to enable Sabah's cry for justice and punishment for wrongdoers and those behind the treachery can be meted out accordingly.
BalasPadamMositun said PBS' call for urgency was in light of the Semporna Bumiputera Bajau Association's allegation that foreigners were also lining up to get documents during the NRD mobile registration exercise, hence its President, Mansor Santiri, calling for the exercise to be halted.
BalasPadamWhoever is doing it, under whose patronage such heinous and treacherous acts are committed should be arrested and investigated and given the right punishment without delay.
BalasPadamThis matter must be treated with urgency and not wait until the matter gets worse and beyond control.
Kalau begini, sepatutnya Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur juga sama2 mendesak penubuhan RCI. Negeri ini pun dibanjiri dengan PATI.
BalasPadamBetul tu Isaac. Kalau makin ramai yang mendesak penubuhan RCI maka makin tinggilah kemungkinan RCI ditubuhkan. hehe
Padamsemua pihak harus menyokong penubuhan RCI agar ianya dapat dipercepatkan...jika ada tekanan yang tinggi barangkali kerajaan persekutuan akan mempercepatkan tempoh penubuhan RCI untuk menyiasat kebanjiran pendatang asing dan projek IC.
PadamAlamak, kesiannya Sabah tersenarai juga paling banyak PATI.
BalasPadamApapun cara yang digunakan, paling penting masalah PATI harus ditanggani.
BalasPadamJangan biarkan PATI makin berleluasa di Sabah. Kadang2 bosan juga baca isu pati yang kena dakwa di court sebab memiliki Mykad orang lain. aduii...
BalasPadamSemoga isu ibi dapat diselesaikan dengan baik dan dalam kadar segera.
BalasPadamRCI should be set up in every states in Malaysia. If we allow these illegal immigrants issue to get worse , we will soon become illegal immigrants in our own country.
BalasPadamya..RCI harus ditubuhkan secepat mungkin.
PadamPBS sabah and BERSIH has urged the government to set up rci in sabah. I hope the government listen to the people's demand and eventually set up RCI in Sabah.
BalasPadamjumlah ini berdasarkan kepada program 6P dan 5P yang telah dilaksanakan..kemungkinan jumlah ini lebih besar sekiranya semua PATI tampil untuk berdaftar semasa program 5P dan 6P dilaksanakan..
BalasPadamI think the Federal should seriously handle this matter. the RCI is needed.
BalasPadamNampak sangat perbezaan Sabah dan Sarawak. Kan bagus kalau Sabah juga zero PATI.
BalasPadamsemua PATI harus ditangkap, jgn biar mereka berluasa di negara kita.
BalasPadamIni lah sebab mengapa kita perlukan RCI.
BalasPadamPercepatkan penubuhan RCI, kita tidak mahu keadaan bertambah teruk.
BalasPadamJika dilihat kepadatan PATI di Malaysia. Malaysia tidaklah padat sangat seperti Selangor. Nampaknya kerajaan Negeri selangor tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah PATI dikawasan tersebut.
BalasPadammaknanya dakwaan sebelum ini kononnya orang asli di sarawak diganggu oleh PATI yang bekerja di syarikat2 pembalakan adalah tipu semata2 memandangkan di negeri itu tidak ada PATI.. betul ka??