Sabah RCI: ‘It’s just BN lies’
Both the federal and the state Umno-BN governments are in a standoff over the issue of a RCI on the exponential increase in Sabah's illegal population.
KOTA KINABALU May 1, 2012: The federal and state Barisan Nasional leaders are in a standoff over the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the rapid increase of the population of Sabah since the 1990s when peninsula-based Umno spread its wings there.
On one side is the state BN leaders, saying that the RCI is “a done deal”. And when a little later, nothing happened, they chant “it must be set up”. Then when that argument fails to elicit a response, they feign exasperation.
On the other side are the country’s top federal government leaders, all from the peninsula. They simply lie low and say nothing with regard to the RCI.
That Putrajaya is not listening to the Sabah leaders is nothing new. Many including former Malaysian Human Rights Commission vice-chairman Simon Sipaun, once the Sabah state secretary, are suspicious of the motives of all those “involved” in the case.
“Even if we have the RCI under this government, I doubt whether they would be sincerely helpful,” said Sipaun, who is tapped to be among those selected to be on the RCI if it is set up.
In candid remarks after launching a writing competition here, he said he has his doubts about the effectiveness of an RCI under the present Umno-BN regime.
“It [exponential increase in illegal population] has been part of the agenda of many politicians in Sabah… you cannot expect them to look at things that are politically beneficial to them”.
He pointed out how Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had come to Sabah twice since it was first revealed that the Ccabinet had agreed to set up a RCI and yet said nothing about it despite its importance.
Sipaun believes the government is playing for time to iron out “terms of reference” for the RCI that would shackle the inquiry.
‘Charge the culprits’
He said it was surprising that though a book had been published which named state and federal leaders as being involved in the sudden increase in the population of the state – a treasonous act – they had not disputed their role.
“The obvious question is why are there illegal immigrants in Sabah if the federal government does not allow them to come in? This has not been answered.
“The federal government is responsible for immigration, for our security, for taking care of our borders… let’s say if you and I were to go to the Philippines, we cannot just go in without a valid travel document, but this is happening in Sabah.
“So simple people like me begin to doubt how effective the RCI can be under this BN government,” he said.
He questioned how much genuine cooperation the RCI would get when investigating government involvement.
“I doubt the recommendations made by the RCI would be acted on,” he said.
Sipaun strongly believes the opposition could sort out problems posed by the alleged granting of citizenship to illegal immigrants in exchange for their votes.
“I think if the opposition wins [the impending 13th general election) and then we have the RCI, they would be just as interested as true Sabahans to find out the truth about this,” he said.
Sipaun added that if he had his way, the terms of reference for the inquiry should include a provision that those people found to be the culprits be charged and prosecuted.
PM kita mungkin memerlukan masa lagi untuk menentukan sama ada RCI akan dilaksanakan ataupun tidak.
BalasPadammasih ada masa sebleum election, kena sabar...
PadamThe election could be drag on till the next year, hope the Federal Government will approve the RCI before the GE-13.
PadamTime is everything.
PadamBukan PM tidak mahu umumkan tapi terma dan rujukan bagi RCI masih belum dimuktamadkan. mungkin ini mengambil sedikit masa lagi.
Padamharap keputusan segera dibuat dan pengumuman segera dilakukan..
PadamWell I guess it will be done before the election.
PadamWe need RCI before election.
PadamKerajaan persekutuan tidak harus mengetepikan permintaan RCiuntuk mengesan punca masalah.
PadamPasti kan diumumkanoleh Pm tidak lama lagi.
PadamRCI bukan hanya patut diadakan di Sabah tetapi juga diseluruh negara sebab masalah PATI masih berleluasa.
BalasPadamMasalah PATI memang sudah menjadi masalah negara dan semakin tenat.
PadamIm sure the govt will give an answer soon.
PadamThe fact is Sabah was not the state with the highest presence of Illegal Immigrants, surprisingly Selangor was the no.1 state in the country with the highest presence of illegals, KL comes second while Sabah is third.
Tapi hairan Selangor tidak pula berusaha menuntut penubuhan RCI seperti yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin dan rakyat Sabah. adakah sebab jumlah warga asing yang ramai di sana bukanlah merupakan PATI??
Padamyang penting RCI ditubuhkan..
PadamPihak Federal perlu lebih serius dalam penubuhan RCI di Sabah.
BalasPadamharap ada jawapan tak lama lagi.
PadamThe Sabah BN Citizenship Committee has already hand up the Terms of Reference to the Federal Government for review, if they agree with the terms, they will announce the implementation of the RCI.
harap pengumuman akan dilakukan dengan segera..
Padammemandangkan masalah PATI adalah hal yang serius dan tidak boleh dipandang ringan oleh semua pihak, maka ia perlu diselesaikan dengan segera.
BalasPadamjika tidak, ini akan memusnahkan negara kita.
PadamJangan kata mereka tipu sebab perkara ini harus dipersetujui oleh semua pihak.
PadamPerkara ini bukan sahaja berkaitan dengan isu politik tetapi ianya soal sosial, perlembagaan, kebudayaan, keselamatan dan isu-isu demografi yang perlu diselesaikan secara positif tetapi tegas sebelum PRU akan datang.
BalasPadamKena bijak dalam election nanti.
Padamsebab itulah penyelesaian untuk PATI ni agak rumit. sampai sekarang pun masih belum ada kaedah yang berkesan untuk selesaikan masalah ni. Program 6P pun tidak begitu berjaya. nampak juga ada kegagalan.
PadamNever make any political will on this thing.
PadamIni juga Bersih mengadakan perhimpunan untuk menyeru PRu yang lebih bersih & adil.
Padambuktikan kepada rakyat bahawa kerajaan negeri/pusat benar-benar prihatin terhadap isu projek IC dan PATI yang sedang dihadapi di Sabah
BalasPadamhope there is a response as soon as possible.
PadamHopefully this issue will be resolved
BalasPadamim sure this issue will have an answer soon
Padammeanwhile, all political leaders in Sabah, regardless the government or oppositions, to stop their bickerings, mudslingings, accusations and counter-accusations against one another and to put their heads together and work out a workable political solutions that would bring benefits to the people of Sabah
BalasPadamThat is what they should do from the beginning instead of making accusations to each other hence mislead the people. No man is an island. Therefore, they need stop trying desperately to be hero and let us work it out together.
PadamOppositions are the lies, BN will surely find a way to solve this with or without going for RCI
BalasPadamJust because there is news about RCI doesn't make BN a liar.
BalasPadamI meant just because there is NO news about RCI doesn't make BN a liar.
PadamRCI is still under consideration. It is just matter of time, PM will make an official announcement regarding RCI.
Padamtunggu pengumuman dari PM sama ada RCI ditubuhkan atau tidak..yang pasti ianya akan mempengaruhi corak pengundian nanti pada pru13 khasnya di sabah.
PadamBN harus bersikap positif terhadap RCI.
PadamRCI mmg ingin ditubuhkan, tapi penetapan terma dan rujukannya belum siap. apapun, ia perlu disiapkan segera.
BalasPadamharap2 RCI akan ditubuhkan sebelum pru13..
BalasPadamya..hrap RCI akan ditubuhkan sebelum PRU.
PadamMasalah PATI bukan sahaja di Sabah malah seluruh Malaysia yang dibanjiri PATI.
BalasPadamKami tunggu sahaja pengumuman kerajaan persekutuan berkenaan RCI.
BalasPadamkini semua menanti untuk pengumuman RCI.
PadamThe government should proven that there are sincere to resolve the PATI issue that may causes more issues.
BalasPadamusaha untuk selesaikan pati harus berterusan dari masa ke masa.
PadamSemua bergantung kepada BN untuk menentukannya.
BalasPadamSelagi PATI tidak diselesaikan, PRU tidak mungkin adil dan bersih.
BalasPadamPersekutuan harus buat keputusan bijak.
BalasPadamkeinginan rakyat haruslah didengari.
PadamMasalah Pati banyak mendatang masalah kepada negeri Sabah, penyelesaian harus ada.
BalasPadamRCI akan ditubuhkan tapi entah berapa lama lagi kena tunggu.
BalasPadamharap masalah kebanjiran pati akan dapat diselesaikan dengan secepat yang boleh.
BalasPadamdibawah pentadbiran Najib, telah banyak perubahan yang beliau lakukan termasuk perkara2 yang tidak berani disentuh atau diubah oleh pemimpin2 terdahulu..
PadamKerajaan tidak akan menipu rakyat untuk melaksanakan RCI untuk Sabah. Ini semua cuma permainan yang dibuat-buat oleh pembangkang sebenarnya yang mengatakan RCI cuma untuk menyenangkan hati rakyat.
BalasPadamsetuju.. dan saya yakin jika RCI sedang dilaksanakan, puak2 terdesak ini akan cuba meremehkan tindakan kerajaan ini dengan cuba menghasut rakyat kononnya semua ini hanya gimik politik atau wayang kulit..
Padamhow can you say it lies when the federal and state government still work on it??