Khamis, April 19, 2012


Minum air bantu lulus periksa

LONDON 18 April - Lupakan kelas tambahan dengan yuran yang mahal dan makan vitamin yang mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan otak, kerana kunci untuk lulus dalam peperiksaan sebenarnya semudah mengambil segelas air!

Satu kajian terkini mendapati, pelajar yang membawa air memasuki dewan peperiksaan dan meminumnya memperolehi gred yang lebih baik sebanyak 10 peratus berbanding mereka yang tidak.

Walaupun tidak jelas mengapa minuman membantu peningkatan pencapaian, satu teori menyatakan bahawa apabila kandungan air dalam tubuh mencukupi, maka maklumat akan mudah bergerak dengan bebas di dalam sel otak.

Penyelidik berkata, minum air juga menenangkan saraf, sementara mereka yang berasa dahaga ketika menduduki peperiksaan mudah terasa terganggu.

Kajian yang dilakukan terhadap beratus-ratus pelajar universiti itu membandingkan sama ada mereka mengambil minuman termasuk air kosong, kopi atau berkarbonat sebelum memasuki peperiksaan.

25 ulasan:

  1. Rupanya begitu mudah sahaja untuk membantu kecerdasan otak semasa Peperiksaan.

  2. Anak-anak murid yang bakal menghadapi ujian, ingatlah bawa air dalam dewan ujian.

  3. Orang dewasa biasanya memerlukan air antara 8-12 gelas sehari.

  4. Minum air yang mencukupi boleh menyihatkan tubuh badan. Meminum air boleh mengurangkan stress

  5. meminum air mmg baik untuk kesihatan, jadi digalakkan meminum air semasa peperiksaan.

  6. Tapi mahu belajar juga. Kalau tidak belajar macammana mahu dapat gred terbaik juga.

  7. bagus juga tips ni.. boleh juga sebar2kan kepada pelajar2 yang bakal menduduki peperiksaan..

  8. Ok, so we’ll start off with the very basics. Yes, I know, this should go without saying, but you will be surprised how many people waste precious hours of study time just because they are studying in the wrong places.

    1. It’s very important that you find a place to study and do homework that is free from distraction. For example, I normally say no to places like coffee shops because the noise will be distracting. Try to find you a nice quiet place to study that is comfortable.

    2. However, this doesn’t mean that studying around people is a bad thing. In fact, to see others hard at work can give you motivation to work yourself. In my opinion, working at the library (where you are forced to be quiet), or studying in with a few friends in a quiet area is the best place to study.

  9. My problem was always not how much I studied, but how well I studied. In fact, I argue that its better to study 2 hours properly, then 10 hours unefficiently.

    1. There are many ways to boost your studying efficiency. First, you need to set goals. Work out with a calendar what day you need to be finished studying a certain chapter or lecture, while always leaving a day or two for review.

    2. Once you have your goals set, now make a plan on how you are going to study.

    3. Example:Anatomy
      If you are studying anatomy, for example, draw out small diagrams to help you visually learn the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and other things you need to know.

  10. s
    If you are studying theories or definitions I would make flash cards.

  11. You can make these yourself with just blank cards or cut out paper.

    1. This is much faster and you can save your cards on the computer rather than having them scattered all over the floor.

  12. Put the question on one side, and the answers on the other side and test yourself.

  13. Or, you could do what I do and make your flash cards on computer (I use the First Class Student software).

  14. This is extremely important when learning how to become a straight A student, and it gets more and more important as you get into the upper years of high school and college.

  15. If you can get access to past tests, do them! You will get used to the questions, won’t be surprised as much by the tests, and will feel more confident going into the examination.

  16. Also, you do not want to be at a dissadvantage from your peers who may be using past papers as a study aid.

  17. This will only help you on your test taking skills. Also, if there is an assignment you do not fully understand, be sure and ask your instructor.

  18. This will only help you on your test taking skills. Also, if there is an assignment you do not fully understand, be sure and ask your instructor.
