PETALING JAYA - Malaysian Airlines System Bhd. (MAS) mencatat kerugian bersih RM2.52 bilion hasil daripada RM13.9 bilion perolehan bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2011.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya berkata, bagi tempoh suku keempat, syarikat penerbangan negara itu merekodkan RM1.28 bilion kerugian bersih, hasil pusing ganti sebanyak RM3.68 bilion.
Menurutnya, kerugian kumpulan bagi tahun 2011 menunjukkan pentingnya syarikat penerbangan itu segera melaksanakan usaha untuk mengekang kerugian itu.
AHMAD JAUHARI mengumumkan keputusan kewangan MAS di Petaling Jaya semalam.
"Ini termasuk penempatan semula petugas, meningkatkan produktiviti, kecekapan dan kawalan kos serta membuat kajian selanjutnya.
"Kami juga harus melaksanakan strategi pemasaran dan jualan agresif," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini semalam.
Ahmad Jauhari menjelaskan, prestasi setahun penuh kumpulan itu terjejas teruk akibat peningkatan 21 peratus perbelanjaan berjumlah RM16.2 bilion berbanding RM13.41 bilion pada 2010.
Beliau berkata, perbelanjaan tinggi itu disebabkan oleh peningkatan 33 peratus kos bahan api sebanyak RM5.85 bilion dan peningkatan 15 peratus perbelanjaan bukan minyak sebanyak RM10.43 bilion.
MAS needs better management of their company so that they can minimize the loss and make more profits. Better management of the flights, service, personnel and others are important for a company's growth and success.
BalasPadamIf they don't do corruption as rumored, they might end up better than now.
PadamCountry do not anymore support MAS especially the losses they incurred. Its already 2 times been support, till when such supporting needed?
PadamMAS has to be independent in their operation without having to rely on the country to back them up.
PadamMAS should not rely so much on the government backing them up, they need to compete fairly with other competitors.
BalasPadamThey can't do better because they relied too much on the Govt. They are not competitive enough.
PadamBetul kata Anna, MAS makin daya bersaing sebab teramat bergantung kepada kerajaan.
Padampengangkutan udara tidak sama dengan pengangkutan teksi.. sebab itu mereka perlu memberikan keutamaan kepada laluan yang dijangka mempunyai jumlah penumpang yang ramai..
BalasPadamjadi laluan yang tidak mempunyai ramai penumpang terpaksalah ditutup macam yang berlaku di Sabah?
PadamMAS perlu fikirkan bagaimana untuk meningkatkan keuntungan. Laluan yang mempunya kepentingan harus diteruskan.
PadamTanpa Nama Mar 2, 2012 04:26 PM
Padammemang terpaksa ditutup atau dihentikan untuk sementara waktu.. industri pengangkutan udara adalah berasaskan keuntungan, bukan kebajikan.. sdr perlu ingat, tidak semua syarikat penerbangan boleh survive dalam industri yang sangat competitive seperti ini..
keluarkan penyata sebenar berkenaan kos operasi dan lain2 kos berkaitan dan jumlah hutang sebenar.Lepas tu bezakan dgn syarikat penerbangan yg lain yg membuat untung.Kemudian bentangkan cadagan menyeluruh tentang lanskap aktiviti ekonomi domestik dalam pelbagai sektor ekonomi negara yg mungkin dan boleh menggandakan kunjungan pelancong luar utk di jadikan daya penarik yg berterusan.Setakat KLCC daya penarik dah habis zamannya.Kerjasama di antara MAS dan kerajaan adalah perlu,utk mencatur masa depan syarikat MAS itu sendiri.Tentang kos bahan bakar,pehak MAS boleh runding dgn petornas dlm aspek bahan bakar, sbb ianya ada dua perkara yg berbeza ttg nilai keuntungan di antara fuel yg belum di bakar dan selepas terbakar utk mengerakkan aktiviti ekonomi.Di situ kosnya boleh di kurangkan dan tambang boleh menjadi murah dlm ulangan penerbangan yg berganda utk jarak dekat dan mungkin boleh utk jarak jauh.Berkaitan kos operasi berkaitan tenaga di lapangan terbang ,boleh menjana tenaga sendiri utk menjamin kos yg minima utk masa hadapan.Tentang gaji tenaga manusia dan bahagian pengurusan yg lain perlu di kaji dan lebih telus, demi masa hadapan dan mencerminkan daya bersaing MAS dan pesaing yg lain.
BalasPadammasalah kewangan MAS semakin meruncing. harap2 mereka sudah membuat strategi untuk menutup semula kerugian yang dialami.
BalasPadamMengecewakan, janganlah meneruskan kerugian ini.
BalasPadamThey do not stay competitive, always let its competitors to defeat them. They should be "honest" in their management, if not then it's time for them to go.
BalasPadamThe need to improve their management.
BalasPadamJust buy over the entire MAS and manage by the government.
BalasPadamNot a good idea, MAS must be privatized and be operated by private companies without any financial backing from the government.
PadamWithout the government supporting MAS, they are forced to compete fairly with the rest of the competition, therefore it will help them become more efficient and improve their services to the customers.
BalasPadamMAS perlulah memastikan bahawa mereka dapat meningkatkan untung bersih untuk terus kekal sebagai penerbangan di Negara kita.
BalasPadamsetiap tahun MAS mesti rugi, MAS kena belajar dari Airasia bagaimana nak menjana keuntungan.
BalasPadamProper Financial as well as resource management is deemed necessary.
BalasPadamPerhaps MAS needs to liquidate some of it's assets in order to recover some of it's losses as it did in the past
BalasPadamAcknowledging this grim performance, group chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said: "The bottom-line group losses for 2011 underscore the imperative need for MAS to immediately adopt strong measures to stop the bleeding.
BalasPadamFor an immediate turnaround, deputy group chief executive officer Mohammed Rashdan Yusof said: "We need to strengthen the balance sheet. We have RM1 billion in cash but we have low equity levels and need to redress that with support from our shareholders. "We are not ruling out a cash call but the first option is to dispose of non-core assets. We are looking at finalising our business plan in the next 60 days."
BalasPadamThe recent rationalised network plan that we will operate has resulted in a surplus fleet. An additional provision of RM602 million has been made for aircraft redelivery to enable Malaysia Airlines to retire and return 58 aircraft from now up to 2014.
BalasPadam"The bulk of these will take place in 2012 comprising the older uneconomical 18-19 year old aircraft. By the end of 2012, our fleet size will be 80 aircraft with an average fleet age of 7.7 years."
BalasPadamThe cargo division also suffered, in line with an overall global slowdown of the industry. Revenue dropped 14%, capacity decreased 9% whilst yield increased 2%.
BalasPadamMASkargo recorded a pretax loss of RM19 million in 2011 from a profit of RM141million previously, due to higher fuel costs and impairment of its A330 freighter fleet.
BalasPadamAircraft purchases also remain an issue. "Earlier in 2008 and 2010, MAS had placed firm orders for a total of 50 aircraft plus options for an additional 30 aircraft to be delivered from 2010 to 2017," said Ahmad Jauhari. "In 2011, MAS had exercised 10 of those options.
BalasPadamIt has a current fleet of 91 aircraft with an average fleet age of 12.2 years and in 2012, MAS will be taking delivery of another 23 new aircraft."
BalasPadamChairman Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof concluded: "The results make for unpleasant reading. The company is in crisis. The board and I remain confident that we now have a team and business plan in place that will bring the necessary sacrifices to ensure a turnaround and recovery."
BalasPadamMoving forward, in view of the bleak global aviation outlook for this year, MAS is currently finalising a plan to strengthen its balance sheet to increase its cash reserves and funding capacity.
BalasPadamThe plan includes, but not limited to, debt and/or equity market options, said Ahmad Jauhari, adding that Khazanah Nasional and Tune Air, its two largest shareholders, are supportive of these initiatives.