Rabu, Februari 01, 2012


Children of deceased native mum feel let down

Published on: Saturday, January 28, 2012

By: Grieving Family

I AM writing on behalf of a bereaved family.

Their plight is like the Malay proverb "Sudah Jatuh Ditimpa Tangga" (Having Fallen, Hit By The Ladder Again).

First, the children's mother a Dusun and single parent, died.

Then, out of nowhere, a Chinese man from the peninsula appeared and claimed to be the decased's husband.

As he had a Marriage Certificate to back his claim, the family allowed him to enter the house and even stayed temporarily while things were being sorted out.

Imagine while you are still grieving a stanger comes claiming to be your mum's husband.

Anyway, the children agreed to let this man stay in the house as he had promised to surrender the Marriage Certificate and Death Certificate for their safe keeping. When he failed to keep his promise the next day, the children lodged a police report.

To the children's surprise, the man came back in the middle of the night escorted by police who persuaded the children to let him stay as he had the certificates. The next day, the children (having lost confidence in the police) went to the Keningau Native Court to seek help.

They managed to get a copy of the Marriage Certificate and found an anomaly - the date of the Marriage Certificate and the Death Certificate were the same! Another police report was lodged.

In the meantime, the Native Court made a ruling that the Marriage Certificate be cancelled but at the same time allowed the man to stay in the house and even take away almost all the things!

The children felt insulted by the Native Court, as instead of defending the children who are natives the Court deemed it fit to defend a Chinese from the peninsula!

Imagine losing your mother and then your things when you are still grieving!

The children wanted to bring the case to the Civil Court but financial problems prevented them from doing so.

The reason for this letter is to alert the State Government that the root cause of this problem is the issuance of a marriage certificate according to the whims and fancy of the Native Court staff.

This case is akin to the issuance of MyKad at will.

Sabahans and the natives' future are truly at stake!

13 ulasan:

  1. Harap penyiasatan mendalam akan dijalankan supaya tiada masalah penipuan akan berlaku.

  2. Pekerja daripada Native Court ini tidak sepatutnya meluluskan apapa sijil perkhawinan secara suka hati. Ini akan menimbulkan pelbagai masalah pada masa depan.

    1. mahkamah sepatutnya mencari bukti yang lebih sahih

    2. Lain kali Native Court ambil pekerja yang boleh buat kerja.

    3. memang menjejaskan imej Native Court.

  3. Its a crying shame that such incident should occur to these poor children.

    1. Memang kesian. harap2 dapat pembelaan.

    2. What's going on with these people nowadays? Instead of helping, they gave more troubles.

  4. mmg kasihan, lelaki tersebut tak ada hak untuk tinggal di rumah tersebut.

  5. ada hairan ada yang suka mengambil kesempatan di waktu kesempitan.

  6. Para pembaca semua, memang kita rasa hairan ini boleh berlaku. tapi itula kenyataan didunia sekarang ini. Pelbagai helah akan digunakan maka sentiasa berhati-hati.

  7. this is the right time for those leader who really need people support by helping this poor children to bring his case to the court..
