Jumaat, Januari 06, 2012


RCI seen as only long-term solution


Kota Kinabalu Jan 05, 2012: One of the challenges Malaysia will continue to face is the threat of a continued influx of illegal immigrants as a result of a poorly managed foreign labour force, said Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Deputy President Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili.

"This is a real and serious problem affecting our economic, social and political rights,"

said Ongkili, who is also Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation in his New Year message.

He said this concern could also be seen from the rampant allegations of foreigners holding citizenship status and that these issues surfaced in nearly all the public hearings conducted by the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on Electoral Reform that was chaired by him.

Hence, he said Malaysia needed a tighter foreign labour policy, a more transparent approach to granting work passes, disciplined monitoring and surveillance programme and firm action against illegals in the country.

"Current action programmes are not yielding the desired results.

Furthermore allegations of foreigners having obtained citizenship papers and registered as voters are still persisting."

In this respect, Ongkili who is also Kota Marudu MP said the proposal by PBS as well as other Barisan Nasional component parties and the PSC to set up the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) should be seriously considered by the Federal Government.

"This is the only long-term solution to the illegal immigrant problem especially in Sabah. Of course, the RCI should not just investigate the past but must also deal with the present problem and specify clear action plans for the future.

"Otherwise, the fear that one day the foreign invaders in the form of illegals will run our society and political destiny may become a reality," he said.

He added that the government's efforts to rid Sabah and the whole country of this serious problem would need the people's full cooperation and support.

Earlier, Ongkili said Malaysians can look forward to 2012 to benefit further from the government's transformation programmes that are set to produce more results in achieving its goal to develop the nation in every aspect.

He said the year 2011 was a good year for Malaysia as the government's transformation programmes began to yield results in bringing about desirable outcomes for all segments of the society.

The transformation programmes encompass the Government Transformation Programme, Economic Transformation Programme, Rural Transformation Programme, Digital Transformation Programme and Political Transformation Programme through the abolition as well as amendments of outdated security laws.

"Results are in the form of increased foreign and domestic investments, higher employment, improved national income and better international rating for business competitiveness.

"These are proof that the transformation mission of the Prime Minister is already benefiting the nation and the people," he said.

49 ulasan:

  1. Our leaders needs to come up with long term solutions to target the illegal immigrants issues other than just relying on the RCI.

  2. Hope that the Federal government will approve the RCI to investigate the project IC issue in Sabah.

  3. "This is a real and serious problem affecting our economic, social and political rights,"

    -I couldn't agree more, Datuk Seri...

  4. "This is the only long-term solution to the illegal immigrant problem especially in Sabah. Of course, the RCI should not just investigate the past but must also deal with the present problem and specify clear action plans for the future."

    -yes, this issue needs to be viewed from all angles and perpectives in order to give a clear understanding thus a much more objective and realistic solution can be agree upon pertaining to the illegal immigrant question.

  5. "Otherwise, the fear that one day the foreign invaders in the form of illegals will run our society and political destiny may become a reality,"

    -Heaven forbid that this scenario should ever occur in the future! Start setting up the RCI!

  6. Diharap RCI ini dapat ditubuhkan dengan kadar yang segera

  7. Kita sebagai rakyat Sabah harus mempertahankan hak kita daripada dirampas oleh PATI.

  8. that's why we need RCI to be set up. This is the only long-term solution to the illegal immigrant problem especially in Sabah.

  9. i didn't see any alternative which can solve the project ic in sabah except the RCI..

  10. hopefully the RCI will be set up soon before the 13th GE..

  11. RCI harus ditubuhkan segera...kerajaan persekutuan harus membuat keputusan sebelum pru13..

  12. He added that the government's efforts to rid Sabah and the whole country of this serious problem would need the people's full cooperation and support.

    mana2 pihak yang tidak menyokong atau menolak RCI, mempunyai agenda tersembunyi dan kepentingan politik seperti datu akjan..

  13. I hope 2012 will be the year where the illegal immigrant issue will finally be solved.

  14. This issue wouldn't had gone worse if action were taken to solve it when the issue first started.

  15. It might be a wee bit too late now to solve this problem but then again, we mustn't give up hope. Set up the RCI immediately please.

  16. sudah sekian lama rakyat menggesa Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk memberikan perhatian serius kerana isu ini sudah semakin meruncing.

  17. memang wajar RCI ditubuhkan sekarang kerana negeri Sabah dan rakyat tulen
    negeri ini perlu dilindungi hak mereka demi masa depan anak bangsa.

  18. semoga kerajaan dapat merombak kembali Dasar Maritim dan
    Undang-Undang Imigresen serta mengetatkan kawalan keselamatan perairan
    negara bagi menjamin sempadan negara ini tidak mudah dibolosi dan
    dicabuli PATI.

  19. Rakyat Sabah tulen perlu bersatu untuk melindungi kepentingan bersama.

  20. dan semoga kerajaan bersetuju untuk menubuhkan RCI secepat mungkin, dan membekukan dulu perlaksanaan IC baru

  21. The RCI is necessary to be implemented in Sabah as the project IC still needs to be explained.

  22. The Federal Government will need to give their stand before the next GE is held.

  23. Tengok sajalah Akjan. Secara terbuka menentang RCI. Di KK saja dipenuhi dengan pilak2. Kalau RCI tidak dilaksanakan, memang nasib orang Sabah dalam bahaya.

  24. Isn't it obvious how the illegals immigrants have caused a lot of troubles here? How long we have to wait for the RCI? Don't gamble Sabah and its people's future.

  25. Masalah PATI ini akan mengambil masa selama-lamanya untuk diselesaikan. Keadaan tidak akan menjadi teruk sebegini jika awal2 lagi ada tindakan. Sekarang mana2 pun ada PATI. Bukan saja penyumbang kepada masalah jenayah malah masalah kebersihan!

  26. masalah pati sudah lama berlaku dan penyelesaian harus dicari dengan segera.

  27. ramai yang menyokong RCI dan yakin ini mampu untuk membantu menyelesaikan isu pati.

  28. harap RCI akan ditubuhkan dan semua harus bersungguh-sungguh untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati.

  29. It's really a bit late but i'm sure everyone is concern about this matter.

  30. Hope RCI can be put into work and stop thinking about how to solve this. Action is important.

  31. RCI mungkin boleh menyelesaikan masalah ini namun kerajaan masih perlu mencari alternatif lain bagi menghalang kemasukan mereka dimasa2 akan datang..

  32. penubuhan RCI sememangnya memerlukan kos yang besar.. namun kos itu berbaloi dengan sumbangan negeri Sabah kepada ekonomi negara, malah tujuannya juga adalah untuk melindungi kedaulatan negeri/negara..

  33. Berapa kos tetap berbaloi juga tu dengan apa yang bakal diterima oleh Sabah. RCI adalah penyelesaian jangka masa panjang.

  34. berharap sangat RCI dapat diluluskan oleh Parlimen

  35. Memang harus RCI ditubuhkan secepat mungkin.

  36. Parlimen akan buat keputusan bijak untuk menubuhkan RCI.

  37. Maslaah PATI adalah perjuangan jangka masa panjang, akar masalah harus dicari dan mencari cara penyelesaiannya.

  38. Majority support RCI, why only the federal rejected? What is the explanation?

  39. jabatabn imigresen dan pendaftaran harus menjalankan tugas untuk menyekat supaya PATI tidak dibawa masuk.

  40. Isu ini sudah lama di perkatakan..harap kerajaan segera buat keputusan.

  41. Harap dengan penubuhan RCI dapat menyelesaikan masalah Pati untkuk jangka masa yang panjang.

  42. Harap RCI dapat ditubuhkan sebelum PRU13..

  43. Harap tahun ini makin berkuranganlah Pati di sabah..hantar mereka balik ..

  44. Hak rakyat sabah harus di pertahankan.

  45. Satu yang pasti hak rakyat harus dipertahankan dan jangan sampai pati pula lebih menonjol dari orang tempatan.

  46. Tubuh atau tak, biarlah kerajaan putuskan nanti. Saya cuma harap isu pati dapat ditanggani dengan baik walaupun RCI tak ditubuhkan nanti.

  47. Saya tidak tahu sejauh mana keberkesanan RCI namun saya tetap berharap agar RCI dapat ditubuhkan.

  48. Pastikan semua pihak terutamanya rakyat bersatu hati dalam meminta kerajaan menubuhkan RCI.

  49. Kalau takpun, kerajaan harus cari langkah yang lebih baik utk tanggani isu pati.
