Courses for oil and gas workers
KOTA KINABALU: Courses for workers in the oil and gas industry are among the key agenda for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in Sabah this year.
The institute is targeting at least 4,000 participants for a variety of courses in its schedule this year and this includes those related to agriculture, tourism and manufacturing where the oil and gas sector comes in.
With new oil field discoveries, major on going projects by national petroleum company Petronas and strategic investments by the state, a boom is expected from this year and the demand for manpower will follow for the industry.
NIOSH chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye yesterday said the state budget of RM4 billion this year indicated things will not slow down in the state especially since the bulk of it will be spent on basic infrastructure development and public amenities.
"For this, NIOSH has taken the initiative to organise more occupational safety and health courses to complement the projected growth in the state especially in the agricultural, tourism and manufacturing sectors."
Earlier Lee witnessed the handing over of duties to the new Sabah and Labuan NIOSH manager Mohd Hussin Abd Salam from Azhar Ahmad who was transferred to its headquarters in Bangi, Selangor.
Workers in the oil and gas industry should take this opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge in the field.
BalasPadamnot only that, it will also created more knowledgeable, as well as skilled work force in the safety field...which is crucial
PadamOccupational safety and health programs are also good to help employees learn about safety in the workplace, this can help minimize accident rates.
BalasPadamIt is also a standard that major oil and gas company such as shell apply in their operation sites.
Padampengetahuan berkenaan keselamatan dan kesihatan pnting bagi memastikan semua pekerja tau akan ciri2 dan sistem keselamtan di tempat kerja.
PadamThis course is good to remind the workers how important the safety and health are, especially in their working area.
BalasPadamSafety and health course for other working field should be organized too.
BalasPadamni bagus untuk pekerja2 dalam menangani hal2 keselamatan di tempat kerja.
BalasPadamSyarikat memang patut mengutamakan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja.
BalasPadamkursus tentang keselamatan dan kesihatan ini juga perlu dijalankan dalam sektor2 lain.
BalasPadamthis is good for oil and gas workers. lagipun kawasan persekitaran mereka memang terdedah sangat dengan risiko yang besar dalam soal keselamatan dan kesihatan.
BalasPadamGive more courses related on oil and gas and safety. Safety is important thing in industry.
BalasPadamkursus ini memang tepat pada masanya memandangkan industri minyak dan gas semakin berkembang di Sabah..
BalasPadamSabahans perlu mencari peluang untuk berada diantara 4000 orang dalam memperkukuhkan lagi pengetahuan mereka.
BalasPadamSemoga ini akan memanfaatkan lagi rakyat dan sedikit sebanyak dapat merubah kehidupan rakyat disekitar.