Jumaat, November 11, 2011


MP: Sabah projects done poorly

KOTA KINABALU Nov 11, 2011: Tawau member of parliament Datuk Chua Soon Bui has expressed her disappointment with the substandard work done on many of the infrastructure development projects allocated to Sabah under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP).

Chua when debating the Prime Minister’S Department at committee stage in Parliament, pointed that the Auditor General’s report showed that Sabah had managed to spend 94.4 per cent, or the equivalent of RM6.02 billion out of the total budget of RM6.37 billion under the 9MP for more than 34,485 projects.

Sadly, many of the infrastructure projects had poor finishing, were not according to specifications as well as had their fixtures such as doors and drainage pipes broken before they could be used, she lamented.

“All these failures or substandard developments do not benefit the people and waste public funds,” the Sabah Progressive Party vice-president stressed.

She also said that some of the audited reports revealed that the

  • RM83,839 agriculture tractor bought for Lahad Datu District Council since 2009 had never been used,
  • the public toilets at Taman Aman 3 Lahad Datu which were built in August 2009 with an allocation of RM196,900 had their fixtures damaged and
  • many wooden bridges repaired were not according to specifications in Semporna, thus endangering the public.

According to Chua, many projects under the Education Department on the

  • building of teachers’ quarters, building or repairs of classrooms, were of low standards and
  • the fans installed were not functioning.

“The most alarming finding was that many local councils had failed to submit their accounts for audit,” she stressed.

Chua also told the House that two marine boats,

  • Kapal Jemalin M28-Kapal Pemaliman in Sandakan and Kapal Tarek M47 in Kota Kinabalu under the port authority had been not used since 2008 and 2009 respectively.
  • “The supply of school uniforms, shoes, stationeries and milk was still not dispatched to school children in need.
  • The stock piles were found in schools in Kota Kinabalu, Beaufort, Ranau etc.
  • “Many state libraries have undespatched books and the mobile library buses are not functioning,” she said, adding that
  • ICT facilities were also not implemented in many of the libraries.

She pointed out that audited reports in Tawau included findings that the council had failed to build enough car parks with 58 per cent of respondents very angry with the issue.

The report also identified the non-functioning second phase of the Tawau sewerage treatment plant and pump station which were completed on August 10, 2008 because Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd had failed to supply the required electricity, Chua said.

“All these reported audited accounts proved elements of corruption, misuse of public funds, wastage of taxpayers’ money, abuse of powers. It is seen to be getting worse in the departments and agencies in Sabah.

“What is the point of achieving NKRA on paper when there is so much corruption and abuses on the ground? I urge the Prime Minister to take actions against those who are involved and not to protect them.

The people in Sabah are still suffering with the impending needs not delivered. I also urge the Prime Minister to monitor, to audit regularly internally for any irregularity before the annual audit,” she said.

Chua also sought clarification from the relevant minister on why 60 per cent of FELDA development in Peninsular Malaysia were for settlers but in Sabah, with a total area of 119,765 hectares, only 9,668.68 hectares are for settlers which is a mere eight per cent or 1,647 settlers.

“If FELDA’s mission is to help poor families, why is it not practised in Sabah?” she questioned, and was of the opinion that what had been done was double standard and had marginalized the needs of the poor in the rural areas of Sabah, being the poorest state in Malaysia.

“I urge the minister to explain to the people of Sabah whether FELDA has any plan to increase the participation of settlers in both Sahabat and Umas Umas in Sabah since the land in Sabah was given to FELDA on the principle of helping the rural poor.

“If yes, how many more will be targeted? If not, why? I also urge the minister to clarify the status of Kalabakan-FELDA; how many hectares were given by the state government, is it under FELDA Global Venture? How long is the land lease from the Sabah government to FELDA in Sabah? Chua asked.

She also touched on the 824 disputed native customary rights (NCR) land cases in Sabah lodged with SUHAKAM, which, according to her, only a few cases had been solved.

Many of these cases, Chua stressed, were real cases but the provision in the state land code failed to protect them when their lands were alienated or sold to big companies.

“SUHAKAM seems to be at a dead end and I again urge the Prime Minister to give more executive rights to SUHAKAM so that their recommendations will target on the culprits and take actions against the guilty.

“I urge the ministry in his reply to me not to confuse the people with the new communal land with the NCR land, especially our land code allows natives to stay for their living at NCR land.

“I urge the ministry not to use communal land as a smoke screen as it can’t compensate for native losses of destroyed oil palm, burned houses, graves destroyed etc. I once again urge the Prime Minister to tackle this serious matter in Sabah and return the NCR rights to the natives in Sabah,” she said.

56 ulasan:

  1. Harap projek-projek di bawah Malaysia Plan ini akan dilakukan dengan sebaik mungkin.

  2. Kerajaan perlulah memastikan bahawa syarikat yang diberikan projek-projek ini menyempurnakan tanggungjawab mereka.

  3. The NCR communal land title issue must be resolved properly and the people's land rights must be protected.

  4. Hope that our leaders will do their best to improve the states and bring more developments to Sabah.

  5. Harap2 semua issue yang berkaitan dengan tanah adat dapat diselesaikan & orang2 kampung berpuas hati dengan keputusan yang diperolehi.

  6. semua projek2 yang ada kena dipastikan berjalan dgn lancar dan sempurna.

  7. untuk memastikan projek berjalan lancar, pastikan kontraktor yang dipilih benar2 dpt menjalankan tugas dgn baik dan cemerlang.

  8. pemilihan kontraktor untuk menjalankan tugs yg di beri harus diberi perhatian... kontraktor2 yg diberi tugas harus tau tanggungjawab mereka...

  9. ada peruntukan tapi berlaku pembaziran dan sasaran tidak kena. bagaimana Sabah mau maju?

  10. "Many of the infrastructure projects had poor finishing, were not according to specifications as well as had their fixtures such as doors and drainage pipes broken before they could be used, she lamented."

    A grade of budget, end up with E grade of quality. Where the money gone?

  11. Kontraktor yang tidak dapat melaksanakan projek dengan baikharus "black list" kan. Kerajaan juga harus selalu memantau dan memastikan kejayaan projek tersebut.

  12. "All these reported audited accounts proved elements of corruption, misuse of public funds, wastage of taxpayers’ money, abuse of powers. It is seen to be getting worse in the departments and agencies in Sabah."

    Memang ada "corruption". Jika tidak, apakah yang menyebabkan projek pembangunan dan membaiki taraf tersangkut separuh jalan. Pihak ini harus diambil tindakan undang-undang.

  13. Perosak parti dan negara harus diambil tindakan. Golongan ini mengugat pembangunan negara.

  14. Ensure 100% completion of projects with 100% quality assurance too. Who should responsible for these?

  15. blacklist sahaja kontraktor yg tidak tau buat keja...menyusahkan semua org...

  16. “All these failures or substandard developments do not benefit the people and waste public funds,”

    Apakah penjelasan kerajaan terhadap peruntukan tinggi tetapi gagal di akhirnya?

  17. Kontraktor yang gagal melaksanakan mengikut terms & condition dalam kontrak, harus dikenakan denda dan jika gagal melangsaikan denda, kena dibawa ke mahkamah.

  18. How to make sure the projects achieve 100% completion with satisfaction quality dan standard? Which department should responsible for these?

  19. Tidak mungkin Sabah akan maju dengan pencapaian projek yang tidak memuaskan. Kebanyakan peruntukan diberi tetapi gagal diakhiran projek.

  20. "I urge the Prime Minister to take actions against those who are involved and not to protect them."

    Jika Kerajaan ingin bermaju, tidak harus melindungi golongan perosak negara ini, meraka harus diambil tindakan undang-undang.

  21. Kalau lah semua plan ini dapat disempurnakan, alangkah bahagianya hidup. hehe

  22. Rasanya banyak peruntukan diberi tapi entah duit ke mana projek pun ala kadar saja. huhuhu... Sungguh menyedihkan:(

  23. Kerajaan harus lakukan sesuatu bagi memastikan setiap perancangan yang dibuat berjaya.

  24. Selain itu tindakan tegas juga harus diambil dan dikenakan pada kontraktor yang gagal menjalankan t/jwab. At least ia mampu memberi pengajaran pada semua.

  25. Semoga hal ini mendapat perhatian serius dartipada pihak yang berkenaan.

  26. Hope there will be a change to make the people live better.

  27. Memang banyak yang merugikan Sabah, tapi apa boleh buat.

  28. Sabah oh Sabah, kesian kamu....

  29. Tahulah banyak perkara yang tak baik berlaku kpd SABAH, harap kerajaan akan mengambil perhatian, janganlah membiarkan kita menerus begini.

  30. Kerajaan perlu berhenti membazirkan dana awam...

  31. ...ke atas projek2 pembangunan yang langsung tidak memeberi manfaat kepada rakyat Sabah

  32. “The most alarming finding was that many local councils had failed to submit their accounts for audit,”

    harap ada tindakan mahkamah terhadap mereka yang terlibat

  33. tentunya rasuah terlibat...harap kerajaan dapat menangani masalah ini dari menular

  34. semoga kerajaan dapat berbuat sesuatu untuk menambat hati rakyat semula sebelum PRU-13

  35. THe ministry ought to respond this.

  36. Harap kerajaan kita akan berusaha menangani masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat kita.

  37. kotraktor yang gagal menjalankan tugas dengan baik harus dikenakan tindakan.

  38. harap usaha pembangunan akan terus dilakukan..

  39. Siapa yang memantau projek2 ini semua? Siapa yang buat perancangan?

  40. bukan sprm yang akan siasat ka? biar la ba sprm siasat sebelum membuat tuduhan..

  41. Kalau ada unsur rasuah, siasat dan ambil tindakan terhadap mereka yang menyeleweng.

  42. Do not misuse the money from tax payers.

  43. sebaiknya kontraktor melaksanakan kerja dengan bersungguh-sungguh untuk memastikan keyakinan kerajaan memberikan tender projek.

  44. Rasuah inilah yang selalu menyebabkan masalah kualiti dan masalah terbangkalai sesuatu projek itu berlaku. Maka jauhilah dari rasuah. Janganlah kita terlalu mementingkan diri hanya kerana wang ringgit. Sehinggakan sesuatu projek itu hanya satu pembaziran.

  45. Sebaiknya pastikan semua projek yang dirancang dengan bajet yang diberikan siap pada tarikh yang telah ditetapkan.

  46. masalah di sini adalah pada peringkat perlaksanaan..mungkin kontraktor yang mendapat tender projek dari kerajaan tidak menjalankan kewajipan mereka..dan ini menyebabkan kerajaan mendapat imej yang buruk..

  47. siasatan harus dilakukan oleh pihak SPRM..mungkin juga penyelewengan berlaku.

  48. pemantauan juga harus dilakukan oleh pihak2 berkenaan seperti jabatan audit agar projek2 pembangunan yang dilaksanakan tidak tergendala atau peruntukkan disalahgunakan.

  49. kerajaan sentiasa berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah2 yang dihadapi oleh rakyat..

  50. diharapkan isu ini akan diselesaikan segera.

  51. Adakah Sabah akan kembali sebagai sebuah negeri yang kaya?

  52. I hope Sabah can be a better place to stay.
