Land still a major issue – UPKO
KOTA KINABALU August 20, 2011: Land matter is still one of the major concerns of the people in Sabah, said United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO).
The party through its Legal and Land Matters Bureau is in the process of compiling all the real land problems in all the UPKO divisions in Sabah.
So far the bureau has gathered or received some of those real land problems from the various UPKO divisions.
Bureau chairman Senator Datuk Maijol Mahap said this after chairing the bureau meeting recently at the UPKO headquarters which was attended by his committee members and UPKO divisional leaders.
He said in the past the party had made a roadshow in the various places in the state to organise seminar on land matter, especially on Native Customary Rights (NCR).
“I think generally, people understand what is NCR because it is highlighted every now and then not just by us in UPKO, but also by other relevant bodies such as SUHAKAM, PACOS and some other political parties and also through court cases on NCR in the civil court.
“However, to understand is one thing but to get the problems solved is another thing. What we do is that we don’t want to just talk about the land law and procedure in NCR. What we want is to know the real land problems that exist in the state,” he said.
Maijol said what he had gathered from the division leaders so far on the real land problem in their divisions, which among all were the delay in the process of land application, the delay in the survey of the land, the delay in the issuance of
title and equally serious one in that many lands in Sabah which are occupied by the natives either as village with a lot of houses built on it or planted by them with crops of economic value, are actually owned or applied by government agency and big companies.
“The village people are competing with them to get the land. Further, there is also this long overdue problem of villages and people being trapped in the forest reserves and in the SFI (Sabah Forest Industries) concession area,” he pointed out.
“With the aggressiveness of the government agency and the big companies to compete with village people, you can predict the result, which is the village people will lose out because their abilities are limited in many ways compared to their competitors. Once the lands are ‘owned’ by the government agency, it is not easy for the village people be
displace them because any decision to excise their land for the village need cabinet approval, and of course the government agency is not willing to excise except through political will and wisdom of the government.
“I trust and believe the Land and Survey Department and the government are compassionate to take care of the welfare of the people. When the lands are applied and owned by the government agency and big companies, there will be no more land for the natives to apply. Don’t forget the availability of land was already drastically reduced with the FMU (Forest Management Unit) policy in the state in the past,” he said.
Maijol added UPKO wanted to gather the real land problems faced by the natives because the party would like to help them to take it into the next steps to solving or mitigating their problem.
Harap isu tanah akan mendapat penyelesaian yang terbaik supaya hak tanah akan dijaga.
BalasPadamHarap UPKO dapat membantu dalam isu ini.
BalasPadam“With the aggressiveness of the government agency and the big companies to compete with village people, you can predict the result, which is the village people will lose out
BalasPadamI think the government will do the best to safeguard the natives.
"What we want is to know the real land problems that exist in the state,” he said."
BalasPadamIn fact, I also dont know what is happening to Sabah land now? What is the problem actually..?? Can anyone explain?
Actually the main roof to this problem is from Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur... They too slow to proceed the land application by the owner.
BalasPadamThe Jabatan tanah dan Ukur, please improve.
BalasPadamWe are still struggle with the PTI's issue and yet still unsolved, please don't create another tension with the people.
BalasPadamharap setiap isu tanah yang berlaku akan dapat diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.
BalasPadamyang penting, kepentingan semua pihak perlu sentiasa dijaga dengan sebaiknya.
BalasPadamgood effort UPKO..
BalasPadambut im sure the govt will protect the welfare of the natives...
BalasPadamthe natives rights over the NCR issue should be prioritize..
BalasPadamisu ini harus diselesaikan segera. hak dan kepentingan penduduk harus dijaga.
BalasPadamHarap2 formula yang dikatakn oleh Najib dapat diguna untuk menyelesaikan isu tanah adat ini.
BalasPadamHak2 tanah adat perlu dipelihara dan dijaga.
BalasPadamSekiranya isu tanah ini tidak diselesaikan, pembangkang akan mengambil kesempatan menggunkan isu ini untuk politik.
BalasPadam"..the delay in the process of land application, the delay in the survey of the land, the delay in the issuance of title.."
BalasPadamWhy so much delay?? Bureaucracy problem again ah?
Thank you UPKO for highlighting this issue. Hope the natives/village people will not continually be suppressed by the greedy people.
BalasPadammasih ramai rakyat Sabah ni yang kurang terdedah atau kurang tahu mengenai hak2 mereka ke atas tanah. mereka tidak tahu bagaimana caranya untuk mempertahankan tanah mereka. Ini berlaku terutama kepada penduduk2 di kawasan pedalaman@ulu.
BalasPadamBetul kata Kiera, memang kebanyakkan antara kami kurang faham dan peka terhadap hal-ehwal dan cara mempertahankan tanah milik kita.
BalasPadamTiada undang-undang atau polici yang mempertahankan harta milik kita?
BalasPadamSyabas jika UPKO dapat membantu.. Semoga tiada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan terhadap harta milik orang lain.
BalasPadamBenar..Masalah tanah menjadi isu utama untuk Sabah sehingga sekarang. Harap kerajaan akan menyelesaikan masalah tanah tersebut.
BalasPadamSampai bila Sabah terkenal dengan masalah rampasan tanah berlaku? Semakin hari banyak tempat berlaku rampasan tanah. Kenapa? Kerajaan memainkan peranan dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat.
BalasPadampengarah jabatan tanah di Sabah patut ditukar.. begitu juga dengan pegawai2nya.. mereka hanya tahu rampas tanah, tapi tidak tahu bagaimana mahu selesaikan.. bila penduduk kampung datang berjumpa, pura2 pula sibuk konon ada meeting.
BalasPadamIT IS UNFAIR!!!!
BalasPadamTanah orang dirampas, berita ini memang tidak biasalah...memang tidak adil terhadap banyak orang.
BalasPadamharap tidak ada rasuah atau penyelewengan berlaku dari pihak tertentu
BalasPadammasalah pengambilan tanah secara tidak sah atau perampasan tanah di Sabah semakin kritikal...harap ada undang2 melindungi mereka yang teraniaya.
BalasPadamany state leaders who simply de-gazette forest reserves for wide scale developments should be questioned by the public and be accountable for their decisions.
BalasPadamperkara yang boleh ditangani oleh kerajaan haruslah diselesaikan dengan adil dan tidak patut ada isu pilih kasih terlibat
BalasPadamPerampasan tanah kini semakin hangat diperkatakan..