Jumaat, Julai 09, 2010




RANAU: A better water supply and road are in store for the folks of Ranau, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman announced yesterday.

On the card is a RM40 million water supply project which will be undertaken by the Water Department.

The department has been given the responsibility to manage water supply in the district from the Rural Development Corporation (KPD).

“The decision was made as we want a proper water management in Kundasang,” he said when opening the Ranau Umno division delegates’ conference at the community centre here yesterday.

Musa who is Sabah Umno chief and State Finance Minister also announced an allocation of RM1.7 million to upgrade roads in Ranau especially in the town area.

“This is the request from the Ranau Barisan Nasional leaders and the Ranau district council,” he said in acknowledging the division chief Datuk Masidi Manjun’s request.

Musa said that the government cared for the people who wanted better facilities.

“It is from these requests we approved the project as we want Ranau to prosper too. It is a town visited by many tourists.

“It will not be nice if they see bad roads,” he said adding that it was the government’s priority to see the needs of the people were met.

On another note, Musa assured villagers who have been residing for years on lands that did not have titles to stay put.

“We will not dislodge them from their land which has been their home for ages,” he said to the delight of the delegates.

According to him, those lands which have been converted into state lands would not be “taken away from the residents.”

We will not issue individual land titles as we fear that the land will be sold to outsiders,” he said.

But, the Chief Minister said, if a communal land title is given, it means none of the settlers can sell the land, like what has been done in Nabawan.

Child poverty rates stand at around 42% in Sabah. UNDP is working with other development partners to reduce poverty and inequalities in Malaysia“Through the communal land title, every settler has the right to stay but not to sell or the generations to come will suffer with no place to stay. And that we will not allow this happen,” he stressed.

Musa also said that the government would assist in preparing the infrastructures like roads, water and power supplies.

He added that the communal land concept would be introduced in stages covering other places like Tenom, Ranau, Tongod and Kinabatangan among others.

11 ulasan:

  1. maybe this is the best for a long term solution to protect the land and the people.. thanks and make sure the infrastructures also will be improved there.

  2. This is one of the proof that the CM and the government really care about the needs of the people..

  3. See, CM is really concern about us.Why mourn more?

  4. Menurut DE, beliau telah memperuntukkan RM40m untuk pembinaan jalan Ranau. Dengan demikian, hak milik tanah juga dipinda. Ini merupakan iniasiatifnya untuk membantu kita.

  5. Bagus lah :) Naa ini lah bukti CM kita prihatain. So kepada yg masih tak puas hati tu, ba agak-agak juga la ya.

  6. adalah menjadi tanggungjawab para pemimpin Sabah memastikan keamanan di Sabah terjamin. oleh itu, hak milikan tanah perlu dijaga agar hak rakyat tidak diperdagangkan.

  7. sebenarnya sebanyak mana pun peruntukan untuk membangun jalan raya dsb. ianya tidak akan mencukupi kerana keadaan geografi tanah tanih di Ranau yang tidak stabil. sebenarnya tanah tanih di kawasan tanah tinggi Kundasang dan Ranau adalah lebih bersifat pasir dan itulah sebab jalan-jalan raya yang dibina tidak tahan lama...dan hanya bertahan 2-3 tahun saja..

  8. harap agar orang-orang kampung bumiputera sedar bahawa tanah pusaka tidak patut dijual pada mereka yang bukan penduduk asal di kawasan Ranau..

  9. I'm proud to have a dedicated CM. Hope to see him solve more issues that Sabah is facing.

  10. the government cared for the people who wanted better facilities..TQ CM..

  11. Good work CM..I bet those haters are seething with jealousy and envy.. Besides, why should kick them out of the land that they have lived on for years? Who knows they can help to make Ranau prosper..:)
