Trust Sabahans to solve education problems – Masidi
KOTA KINABALU: State education exco Datuk Masidi Manjun has urged the federal government to look at Sabah’s education problems in a different perspective.Speaking at the launch of the State Education Department excellent service awards presentation ceremony at the Federal Administrative Building yesterday, Masidi said the main problem why many problems had never been solved in the State was that the federal government always looked at education in Sabah from the peninsula perspective.
“Sabah is a big land, where we need more allocations to address our educational needs, not only in the rural areas but also in the city.
“We want the federal government to trust Sabahans to overcome our own education problems because we know our situation here,” said Masidi.
He added that the State Education Department would be able to do what is best for education in Sabah, as long as the federal government is giving the promised allocations without any delay.
One of the existing problems that remains unsolved since the Ninth Malaysia Plan was the project to provide computer labs for schools in Sabah, said Masidi who presented excellent service awards to 192 Education Department staff, principals and headmasters.
“Out of a total of 300 computer laboratories, we only managed to get 250 for schools in the state.
“But only three of 250 computer labs have been completed thus far. The poor performance of these contractors has deprived our students of learning basic computer applications,” said Masidi who is also the Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister.
He said the contractors for the projects were appointed by the Education Ministry at the federal level and these contractors would not know the present situation in Sabah, unlike the local contractors.
“These contractors get into a situation where they do not know our situation, especially when building computer labs in the rural areas that do not have any electricity supply.
“It is not easy to implement projects awarded to the education sector in the state if they do not understand our situation.
“So I am hoping that the Education Ministry should give tender awards to the local contractors, and also trust the State Education Department to carry out the task to develop our education system,” he added.
Earlier in his speech, State education director Dr Haji Muhiddin Yusin said education infrastructural problems had put Sabah at the bottom of the list, especially in the interior.
He said there was a miss-match in teachers posting due to the shortage of English and Maths teachers.
“We receive more teachers who are teaching in other subjects, while we still need more than 300 English teachers and about 200 Maths teachers,” he said.
DPM blames contractors for school computer labs debacle
We cannot wait until illegal immigrant problem solved – Masidi
Tolonglah memperbaiki sistem pendidikan di negara kita, terutamanya di Sabah.
BalasPadamIt is damn true. I don't understand why we have to obtain the federal's consent before we could ever make our 1st step.
BalasPadamSekolah2 di Sabah masih daif.Kenapakah itu?
BalasPadamThis is a very serious issue. The federal government have to make sure Sabahans are heard.
BalasPadamEveryone thinks it's hard to get their children into a good school since teacher are even unaffordable tho.
BalasPadamwaka waka
BalasPadamNaa betul bah ni.. Hanya Sabahan ja yang tahu apa sebenarnya yang diperlukan dan bagaiamana utk atasi hal ni. Jadi tolong lah buat apa yg patut.
BalasPadamKerjasama daripada pusat dan negeri adalah amat diperlukan. Dengan adanya kerjasama dan persefahaman, hal ni pasti dapat diatasi dengan mudah.
BalasPadamSaya harap pandangan si Masidi ni dipertimbangkan sewajarnya demi kebaikan semua pihak.
BalasPadamWell, more rural schools in Sabah have been abandoned physically. What say you?
BalasPadamAbandoned tu tak jugalah, cuma terlepas pandang ja ba tu.. So dengan luahan si Masidi ni harap2 lah pusat akan melakukan sesuatu perubahan sejajar dengan keperluan di Sabah :)
BalasPadamkalau aku cun English kan aku apply ba jadi cikgu, biar aku yang ajar bangsaku sendiri.. Tapi aku punya english pun cukup makan ja gia.. hhmm..
BalasPadamHarap2 ramai guru yang betul2 layak ditempatkan di Sabah utk mengajar :)
contractor memang sentiasa bermasalah dalam menyiapkan projek-projek kerajaan dan bila tidak siap yang disalahkan oleh rakyat ialah KERAJAAN...
BalasPadamkerajaan sememangnya sentiasa memastikan mutu pendidikan murid-murid di sabah ni sentiasa baik
BalasPadamkerajaan prihatin disayangi rakyat
BalasPadamamat wajar sistem pendidikan rendah dan menengah di Sabah dipantau oleh kerajaan
BalasPadampara pelajar Sabah amat memerlukan sokongan kerajaan dalam membantu memantapkan sistem pendidikan negeri. para kontraktor yang tidak dapat menyiapkan projek ikut masa ditetapkan wajar di senarai hitamkan
BalasPadamdiharap sesuatu yang terbaik dapat dilakukan bagi membolehkan pendidikan berkembang dengan bak dan cemerlang.
BalasPadamsaya berharap pendidikan di Sabah akan menjadi semakin mantap. semoga kerajaan terus berusaha untuk memantapkan sistem pendidikan di Sabah.
BalasPadampemimpin seperti inilah yang dimahukan cuba untuk membantu rakyat. mencari pemasalahan dan cuba untuk mencari penyelesaikannya.
BalasPadamjika dibandingkan keluasan Sabah dengan negeri2 yang ada di SM, memang wajar Sabah diberikan peruntukan yang banyak untuk terus membangun seperti negeri2 lain.
BalasPadamrasanya isu ini pernah disiarkan sebelum ini.. diharapkan kerajaan persekutuan dapat mengambil langkah2 yang sewajarnya bagi mengelakkan masalah ini terus berlarutan.
BalasPadamDiharapkan setiap keperluan di Sabah dapat diberi keutamaan.
BalasPadamLook in this matter thoroughly. He won't say it for granted.
BalasPadamEducation infrastructure should be upgrade for the convenient of the teachers and students. Make sure the upgrade really follow the safety and hazard guidelines.
BalasPadamMasidi is right. Hopefully the government take note of his statement.