Selasa, Julai 07, 2009


Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) yang sedia diamalkan sama sekali tidak menghalang Malaysia dari terus maju berbanding negara membangun lain tetapi proses liberalisasi akan membantutkan perkembangan bumiputera.

image image "Hakikatnya ialah ketika kuota bumiputera masih belum dipenuhi, kuota bukan bumiputera pula semakin meningkat dan bertambah, dan polisi baru yang diperkenalkan ini hanya akan memburukkan keadaan,"

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad


image image Some said that I supported the New Economic Policy (NEP) at the UMNO General Assembly. I think there is nothing wrong with it. The ultimate goal of NEP is to eliminate poverty. At the same time, we have to ensure Malays to success in the business field.

Am I forbidden to say this?

But some distorted my remarks and some even said I was asking for 60% of quota. I was just refuting Centre for Policy Initiatives director Dr Lim Teck Ghee’s study. He said Malays already have 40% but I think his calculation is incorrect. I said that according to his calculation, then we should have 50% or even 60%.

UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin

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