Sabah CM tells elected representatives to provide best service to the people
March 29, 2012: KOTA KINABALU: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman wants all elected representatives in the state to give their best service to the people.
He said that the state government was aware of the fact that many areas in the state lacked basic infrastructure.
“The state government will continue to strive to improve and give whatever is best in terms of infrastructure development,”
he told reporters after winding up the debate on the government’s police speech for the Finance Ministry at the State Legislative Assembly sitting yesterday.
When asked on the issue of people occupying forest reserves, Musa said the government was willing to consider the applications by those who had been living in these areas for decades.
“We are prepared to change the forest reserve status to that of a state land so that people will have the right to own a land. But don’t take advantage of this by encroaching into forest areas just so that they can have their rights to the land,” he said.
Earlier, Musa said the state administrative complex, which is under construction, would allow for a closer collaboration among ministries and agencies, and enable the public to carry out dealings with the government under one roof.
He said the complex was funded by contribution from state agencies and companies as well as allocation from the state government.
CM assures on genuine land claims
KOTA KINABALU March 29, 2012: The State Government has accepted the fact that the people have the right to claim lands which they have occupied for generations as their own.
“We (state government) are ready and willing to turn these lands, which have been gazetted as forest reserves, into state lands to enable the people to claim them,” Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said yesterday.
The Finance Minister assured the people that they need not worry as they are a responsible government and are always ready to listen and fulfil the people’s needs.
“We want to get the message around that we are a responsible government. We know that the opposition is taking advantage of the situation… we do not want the people to be influenced by their lies that we are irresponsible,” said Musa.
He also gave the assurance that they would go down to the ground from time to time to check on the presence of such cases.
Musa said they would be working closely with the Forestry and the Land and Survey Departments to ensure that their claims are genuine.
“My advice to the people is not to misuse these advantages. Do not purposely encroach on forest reserves in the hope that the government would turn the areas into state lands. Only lands inherited from their ancestors would be considered.
“I also hope the people’s representatives and community leaders in their areas will monitor the situation and ensure that they are genuine villagers in the area.
“There have been cases where people claimed cemeteries belonged to their ancestors or parents, but we later discovered that they belong to someone else’s family members,” Musa told reporters during a press conference after the State Assembly sitting ended yesterday.
He described the sitting as “successful” and many issues were raised which showed that the assemblymen are in the know of situations affecting their constituents.
“As a responsible government, we are working hard to improve and provide the best to the people, especially in terms of development.
“We realise that we have not given it all, but in any case where there is a need, such as electricity and water shortage, we would ensure that these needs are met. This also shows that we are working hard to ensure that whatever is troubling the people are overcome … we will continue to provide our services to the people and ensure only the best are offered,” he said.
When asked on the request by most backbenchers for the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants, Musa said the State Government also shared a similar stand on the issue and would be discussing the matter further with the federal leaders soon.
When asked whether he agrees that the RCI should be set up before the 13th general election, Musa replied: “Let us discuss with the federal government and wait for a decision.”
"The state government will continue to strive to improve and give whatever is best in terms of infrastructure development”
BalasPadamKalau ini dikotakan, pasti Sabah akan terus berkembang maju.
Sabah will surely be in good hand if government do what they say.
PadamPenduduk di kawasan pedalaman memang sangat mengharapkan janji2 pembangunan akan ditunaikan. Bukan tugas yang mudah untuk membangunkan sekaligus semua kawasan Sabah yang terdiri daripada 70% kawasan luar bandar namun biarlah ia dilaksanakan secara berterusan.
PadamSabah telah menerima peruntukan sebanyak 4 billion. dgn adanya peruntukan ini, pasti pembangunan yang lebih pesat dapat dilaksanakan terutama di kawasan luar bandar.
Padamjika semua berusaha gigih pasti Sabah akan terus membangun.
PadamJadi para pemimpin yang lain haruslah menyokong Musa bagi mewujudkan kerjasama yang erat sekaligus memudahkan pembangunan infrastuktur dicapai.
BalasPadamkerjasama yang erat harus diamalkan agar setiap yang dirancang memberikan hasil yang positif.
PadamPasal RCI, harap ia dapat ditubuhkan dalam masa terdekat atau sebaiknya sebelum PRU13.
BalasPadammemang menjadi harapan agar RCI ditubuhkan dengan segra.
PadamCM assures on genuine land claims!
BalasPadamBestnya, saya yakin ramai juga yang happy dapat tahu hal ni.
Dipendekkan cerita, demi kebaikan rakyat kerajaan pasti akan buat yang terbaik. Harap-harap RCI pun kena tubuh juga sebab rakyat yang minta:P hehe
BalasPadamPeople who encroached state lands or forest reserves in hopes that they will be approved to own the land are warned, only those who inherited the land from their ancestors have the right to own the land.
BalasPadamWakil rakyat merupakan mata dan telinga kerajaan. Jadi, jalankan tanggungjawab yang telah diberikan sebaiknya.
BalasPadamwakil rakyat harus memberi info yang tepat untuk membangunkan kawasan yang diwakli. Supaya peruntukan boleh disalurkan.
Padamwakil rakyat yang menjalankan tugas dengan baik pasti mendapat sokongan padu daripada rakyat.
PadamRakyat mengundi dan memilih calon yang mereka boleh harapkan untuk perjuangkan hak rakyat dan mampu bawa perubahan kepada sesebuah kawasan itu. Menjadi amanah seseorang wakil rakyat/pemimpin untuk pikul tanggungjawab ini dengan cemerlang.
BalasPadamPemimpin harus memikul tanggungjawab yang telah diamanahkan.
PadamSpot on Datuk Musa! Overall, i think most of the Mp's and assemblymen in Sabah has done their job as best as they can...
BalasPadamMusa Amat ambil berat akan keadaan penduduk, pembangunan amat diutamakan. kita harus terus memberi sokongan padanya agar pembangunan dpt diteruskan.
BalasPadamrakyat harus menyokong pembangunan yang dirancang oleh kerajaan.
PadamSaya sokong.. Berikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik jika inginkan sokongan daripada penduduk.
BalasPadamJika usaha ini dilakukan mesti penduduk tidak akan memilih parti lain. Ini kerana penduduk merasakan yang mereka sentiasa dibela dan dibantu oleh kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dan prihatin
BalasPadamtingkatkan lagi usaha untuk menunjukkan khiddmat terbaik kepada rakyat.
BalasPadamkerajaan sememangnya telah melakukan yang terbaik untuk rakyat, namun kewujudan pembangkang di negara ini membuatkan seolah2 kerajaan tidak melakukan apa2 malah kononnya lebih memburukkan lagi keadaan..
BalasPadamThe rakyat should continue to support the Barisan Nasional government, said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Yahya Hussin.
BalasPadamHe said BN has proven to be a government that cares for people and has an outstanding administrative record.
BalasPadam“In addition to bringing developments and progress to the state, the various races are also assisted through various schemes and subsidies,” he said.
BalasPadamYahya, who is also Petagas assemblyman, took for example the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M), Book Vouchers Assistance and others as proof of the BN government’s concern for the wellbeing of the people.
BalasPadamTherefore, he cautioned the people not to entertain the opposition who only knew to give promises that they could not deliver.
BalasPadamYahya also reminded the Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK), village heads and community leaders who are the eyes and ears of government, to stand firm and defend the BN government.
BalasPadamHe also wanted the JKKK to play a more effective role in planning the development and security of a village.
BalasPadam“Other than being involved in village development projects, JKKK should increase activities and programmes that help promote understanding and unity among the villagers.
BalasPadam“For example having Family Day, ‘gotong royong’ activities and others can help develop friendly relationships and cooperation among the villagers,” he said.