Jumaat, Oktober 21, 2011


Masidi suggests history textbooks be reviewed

image KOTA KINABALU Oct 21, 2011: State Education Exco Datuk Masidi Manjun has suggested that contents of history textbooks used in schools be reviewed to include a more balanced representation of important events that took place in Sabah and Sarawak.

Masidi who is also Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, said it was important for the future generation to fully understand the history of the country, and this included the history of the two states which together with Malaya and Singapore formed the Federation of Malaysia.

“If I may summarize it, I’d say yes there is a need for the Ministry of Education to re-look at the contents of the subject of history but at the same time we Sabahans, through associations, should brush up our knowledge on our own history,” he said to reporters after officiating a seminar on ‘Sabah Prospect and Retrospect: The Aftermath of Colonial Rule’ here yesterday.

He was asked to comment on claims by certain quarters that the school syllabus on the country’s history offered very limited insight into Sabah’s past as it was more focused on discussing the history of Peninsular Malaysia.

“We need to look at this from two aspects; number one there is a need for us to probably restructure our history textbooks to provide more room for Sabah and Sarawak. The other thing is that we the parents need to give strong encouragement to our children to study the history of Sabah,” he said.

He however said the issue should not be left entirely to the Education Department. Instead all quarters, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), ethnic associations, historians and writer groups should play their role in educating young Sabahans about the history of their own state.

Sabahans, he stressed, must appreciate and learn their history so that they would be able to pass it down to the next generation to be studied and preserved.

“I think we don’t necessarily need to be a historian in order to learn history because history is something that we went through in our lives, so all of us in our own different context are historians. We all have experience, and history is experience. It’s important that we ourselves educate our children about our history.

“It’s about attitude, probably some people don’t even bother to learn their history. You’ll be surprised to find how many information you can find about Sabah just by going on-line. But how many people do you think take the trouble to go to the web even just once a day to read them? My point is, inculcate good reading habits and you’ll be surprised how much knowledge you can acquire,” he said further.

Masidi added it was unfortunate that most of Sabah’s historic buildings were damaged or totally destroyed during World War Two which made it difficult to gather historical artifacts or materials for reference.

However, he said there should be a continuous effort to preserve what was left and this was another thing where Sabahans could play an important role.

“We need to appreciate historical buildings. How valuable they are is immaterial, I think every building that is old has its own history. Whether they are relevant to our time is secondary. If we don’t appreciate history, we don’t appreciate our country, ourselves,” he opined.

On a related issue, he said the government at the moment appeared to need a longer time to evaluate what to do with the controversial plan to develop a piece of land next to the Atkinson Tower which is one of the few historic infrastructures that survived World War II.

From what he gathered, he said the public or at least most of them wanted the old wooden clock tower to be left as it is.

At the function, Masidi also launched a book entitled ‘The Making of Sabah 1865-1941: The Dynamics of the Indigenous Society’.

He said the seminar together with the launch of the book was hoped to serve as a reminder to Sabahans on the importance of knowing their own history and open up debate and discussion on the events that led to the birth of Sabah.


Revise history textbooks: Masidi

“Yes, there is a need for the Ministry of Education to re-look at the contents of the history textbooks. Besides that, I think Sabahans should also brush up their knowledge on local history,”

“We should not leave learning entirely to the Education Department. I think parents need to play a role too in educating their children about the history of Sabah and even Malaysia,”

Masidi also encouraged non-government at organisations, ethnic groups, writers and history associations to play a role in encouraging and educating the younger generation to learn history.

Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Datuk Masidi Manjun whose portfolio also includes affairs on education in Sabah

45 ulasan:

  1. sejarah Sabah dan Sarawak kurang diketengahkan. tidak ramai yang tau sejarah sebenar sabah dab sarawak. sepatutnya perlu ada pendedahan mengenai sejarah lengkap Sabah dan Sarawak.

  2. kta perlu tau sejarah agar kta tau asal usul kita dan untuk memupuk perasaan cintakan tanah air.

  3. Ya kita kena mengetahui apa yang berlaku dan jadikannya sebagai pengajaran.

  4. mungkin lagi baik jika setiap negeri mempunyai buku sejarah sendiri yang hanya mengisahkan sejarah negeri itu..

  5. sejarah dipelajari bukan melalui buku teks sahaja. jadi jangan sempitkan minda dengan hanya bergantung pada buku teks yang diagihkan di sekolah. masih banyak sumber2 di mana kita boleh belajar dan mengkaji sejarah dengan lebih dalam lagi.

  6. Sejarah amat penting untuk dipelajari kerana melaluinya dapat melahirkan masyarakat yang mempunyai jati diri serta ada nilai-nilai patriotisme yang tinggi.

  7. sepekara lagi, jika ada apa2 perubahan atau penambahan kepada fakta sejarah, lebih baik jika perubahan atau penambahan itu datang dari pakar sejarah, bukannya ahli politik..

  8. history textbook should be revise..

  9. our history is representing our own identity...

  10. hope minister of education of malaysia take note of this...

  11. sejarah tidak patut dijadikan sebagai alat politik.. sejarah adalah fakta dimana ianya telah berlaku..dan campur tangan politik dalam sejarah khasnya dalam kandungan buku2 sejarah yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran di sekolah akan menyebabkan kerugian kepada generasi muda..

    dan ianya amat memalukan sekiranya orang asing lebih kenal dan memahami sejarah kita berbanding dengan rakyat malaysia sendiri.

  12. tuntutan ini harus dipertimbangkan oleh kementerian pelajaran...sejarah tidak harus dimanipulasikan..

  13. Kena kerumun si Masidi sama reporter. hahaha

  14. Betul tu bosan. Kalau sejarah dimanipulasi konpom tiadalah kebenaran yang nyata kan. huhu

  15. Semoga perkara ini diberi perhatian sewajarnya demi kebaikan bersama.

  16. Buke teks sejarah yang tidak betul harus diperbaiki agar pelajar-pelajar mengenal pasti sejarah dan hasil usaha dan perjuangan nenek moyang kami.

  17. Sejarah seharus berdasarkan yang benar dan tidak direka.

  18. "restructure our history textbooks to provide more room for Sabah and Sarawak. The other thing is that we the parents need to give strong encouragement to our children to study the history of Sabah,"

    Buke teks seharus mengandungi sejarah Sabah & Sarawak. Golongan muda harus menikmati sejarah bukan sahaja Semanjung tetapi termasuk juga Sabah & Sarawak. Golongan muda harus membaca sejarah agar mereka bersyukur dan menikmati hasil perjuangan wira negara.

  19. Sejarah mengandungi yang baik dan buruk. Yang baik kami amalkan dan yang buruk anggapkan sebagai sumber pengajaran agar tidak mengulangi kesilapan yang sama.

  20. Sejarah boleh dipelajari atau dinikmati melalui buku teks tetapi boleh juga melalui sumber lain seperti majalah, video dll.

  21. Setuju dengan LLS sejarah haruslah memaparkan fakta yang benar dan tepat.

  22. Ini kerana melalui sejarah rakyat dapat mempelajari sesuatu yang mampu menjadikan mkasyarakat lebih matang:)

  23. Memang susah untuk mendidik generasi baru kita sekarang.

  24. Many people doesn't educate their next generation about this because they are more into satisfying themselves then to learn about our history

  25. Hope there's a better way to make the people appreciate our history and country.

  26. Alot of people are not interested in knowing our history, it's normal.

  27. jangan kita melupai sejarah kita yang telah banyak berkorban untuk kita.

  28. No one has right to create or manipulate our history. All should based on fact.

  29. Walaupun sejarah amat bosan dibaca, tetapi seharus kami mengetahui serba sedikit tentang sejarah negara kami. Hasil perjuangan wira dan hero negara seharus kami memberi hormat.

  30. Semua buketeks sejarah di sekolah rendah ataupun menengah seharus disemak agar sejarah dalam teks adalah berdasarkan fakta yang benar dan bukan rekaan cerita. Generasi yang akan datang seharus mengetahui kesemua sejarah negara kami termasuk yang baik dan buruk.

  31. "it was important for the future generation to fully understand the history of the country, and this included the history of the two states which together with Malaya and Singapore formed the Federation of Malaysia."

    Hope no one manipulate our history. The young generation has their right to know our history inclusive the formation of Malaysia inclusive Sabah, Sarawak & Singapore.

  32. Betul kata Huge. yang baik kami harus amalkan sentiasa dan yan gburuk perlu mempelajari dari kesilapan.

  33. Keep on going the good effort to voice out for Sabah and its people.

  34. Sejarah Sabah dan Sarawak juga sama pentingnya dengan sejarah Malaya. Jangan ada berat sebelah atau diskriminasi mengenainya.

  35. We must never forget history, lest we repeat it.

  36. setuju dengan cadangan ini..harap ianya akan dipertimbangkan.

  37. sejarah amat penting untuk kita belajar dan ambil pengajaran daripada apa yang telah berlaku pada masa lalu.

  38. Siapa lagi yang menghargai negeri kita kalau bukan kita sendiri.

  39. Sebaiknya sejarah kita perlulah diperbaiki dan berikanlah sejarah yang fakta sebenar.

  40. Sejarah adalah satu sumber yang boleh kita gunakan untuk melihat sendiri masa silam negeri dan orang-orang terdahulu berjuang untuk memastikan negeri kita dapat keamanan.

  41. sejarah perlu dipelajari dri kita sekolah lagi..dan perlu fakta yg benar..

  42. It's an important step to learn something from the past.

  43. Sejarah mengajar kita kehidupan sebenar pejuang lalu.
