Govt, opposition reps want RCI
March 29, 2012: ILLEGAL immigrant issues once again dominated the State Assembly sitting as representatives, both from the government and opposition, took turn to highlight the urgent need to set up the proposed Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to probe and address the problem.
Matunggong (BN) assemblyman Sarapin Magana in his debate said Sabah Barisan Nasional component parties were unanimous in calling for the setting up of the commission to allow for a comprehensive solution to the long outstanding issue.
He added it was now in the hands of the federal government to answer that call and expedite the formation of the RCI.
Datuk Teo Chee Kang (BN-Tanjung Kapor) meanwhile said the proposed RCI must materialise and the terms of reference, which had yet to be decided, must be expedited so as not to let the opposition take advantage of the delay to accuse the government of being insincere in resolving the issue.
Admittedly he said many illegal immigrants had managed to acquire genuine Malaysian citizenship, posing a threat to the rights of the native Bumiputeras.
“If the sudden increase in Sabah population in the last three decades was indeed caused by this, then it is very worrying.
“With one voice, all political parties in Sabah, including BN components and the opposition, have made their stand that the setting up of RCI is needed,” he said.
Melanie Chia Chui Ket (SAPP-Luyang) said it was regrettable that the central leadership in Kuala Lumpur continued to kept quiet on the RCI issue as if it was too trivial and insignificant to be tended to.
She inquired if the state government planned to follow up on its request and whether the commission would materialise before the coming election.
Another female representative, Anita Baranting (BN-Tandek), said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak did not make an official announcement on RCI during his visit to Sabah last month as the matter involved many laws and agencies.
However, she said the people of Sabah, despite continuous misleading statements from the opposition on the issue, were confident the Prime Minister would make the long awaited announcement when the time came, most likely during the parliamentary session in mid-April.
She expressed confidence that the setting up of the RCI would bring an end to the problem that had been plaguing Sabah for the last 40 years.
Desakan-demi desakan meminta RCI ditubuhkan kian meningkat. Harap kerajaan akan bagi perhatian serius nanti.
BalasPadamKalaupun RCI belum dapat atau sesuai ditubuhkan dalam masa terdekat namun usaha demi usaha haruslah dibuat supaya isu oati tak melarat.
PadamNamun, saya akui saya sendiri pun harap RCI ditubuhkan. Tapi kita kenalah sabar dan tunggu apa kata kerajaan pusat nanti.
PadamHarap2 selepas semuanya selesai tentang PSC, kerajaan akan beri tumpuan terhadap penubuhan RCI. semoga sebelum PRU dijalankan, sudah ada kelulusan.
Padamsemua sedag menanti bila RCI akan ditubuhkan.
PadamIsu pati makin kritikal dan dengan penubuhan RCI, ia diyakini mampu menanggani masalah pati daripada bertambah teruk. Jadi kerajaan patut dengar dan penuhi permintaan ini.
BalasPadamTiada sebab Kerajaan Persekutuan menolak permintaan RCI sedangkan RCI berfungsi baik untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
PadamRCI amay diperlukan di Sabah.
Padammasalah pati ini sudah berlarutan sekian lama, sebab itulah RCI amat diperlukan.
PadamNamun sementara itu, kita nantikan dulu keputusan kerajaan terhadap perkara ini sebelum membuat kesimpulan -ve.
BalasPadamThe people demand for RCI to be set up in sabah, i hope that their voice will be heard.
BalasPadamI hope the government will approve the setting up of RCI in sabah since the pati issue is getting more critical than it is before.
PadamTuntutan penubuhan RCI ni rasanya boleh mempengaruhi undian rakyat pada pilihanraya nanti. Pasti ramai yang akan mengubah fikiran jika ia tidak ditubuhkan.
PadamPembangkang tidak perlu mengambil kesempatan menjadikan isu ni sebagai alat politik mereka.
BalasPadamEveryone wanted the RCI, not only the opposition. They are just trying to use this for their own political means.
Padampembangkang dah tau RCI akan ditubuhkan, tapi ia sengaja nak memanipulasikan hal ini dan jadikamn sebagai isu untuk kepentingan politik mereka.
Padammana-mana pihak diharap tidak mempolitikkan isu ini, tetapi semua harus memberikan komitmen untuk selesaikan isu pati.
PadamHopefully the Federal Government will approve the RCI soon.
BalasPadamHarap diumukan secepat yang mungkin dan pelaksanaan segera dapat dilakukan.
PadamRCI indeed the better way to identify the PATI issues.
BalasPadamPrompt action needed from the government to address the issue.
BalasPadamBagi kuasa autonomi kepada Sabah. Kalau mahu tunggu Federal Govt bagi jawapan, tidak tahu sampai bila. Pemimpin2 di negeri ini sudah berkali-kali mendesak untuk penubuhan RCI.
BalasPadamI thought the RCI is in the final phase before being implemented?
BalasPadamMasih tunggu keputusan dari persekutuan.
PadamKaedah baru harus dikaji jika kerajaan menolah permintaan menubuhkan RCI.
BalasPadamkerajaan dah setuju dgn penubuhan RCI, ia akan ditubuhkan tak lama lagi setelah terma rujukan selesai diperbincangkan.
BalasPadamSemakin banyak masalah yang PATI menimbulkan. Harus juga mengambil tindakan yang berkesan.
BalasPadamya..pati banyak menyusahkan kita semua. usaha untuk menyelasaikan masalah pati ini harus dibuat dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
PadamSuara permintaan RCI harus didengari.
BalasPadamHead of State Tun Juhar Mahiruddin aserted that the perennial issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah must be handled in a collective manner and at the same time resolved wisely.
BalasPadamThis issue has been taken seriusly both by the State and Federal Governments and have taken integrated action to address the situation.
PadamTherefore it is deemed crucial that all parties, including the general populous must render their cooperation to ensure the issue is resolved.
PadamThe problem must be settled together and wisely, everyone must be prepared to render firm co-operation to ensure the illegal immigrant issue would be overcome for the sake of our wellbeing and prosperity.
PadamThe illegal immigrant issue has become a focal point among the State Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties and almost all have agreed to the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate it.
PadamKita tunggu apa yang akan berlaku dengan RCI ini. Kita masih tertunggu-tunggu pengumuman daripada pihak kerajaan persekutuan.
BalasPadamSemoga apa yang diimpikan oleh penduduk Sabah akan tercapai. Kita harap perlaksanaan RCI ini akan dapat dilaksanakan secepat yang mungkin. Jangan biarkan penduduk Sabah ternanti-nanti perkara yang serius bagi mereka untuk ditangani.
BalasPadamsemoga masalah pati ini akan berjaya diselesaikan dengan sepenuhnya.
BalasPadamMelanie Chia ni sibuk juga pasal RCI sedangkan masa YTL jadi ketua menteri Sabah, mereka pun sama juga senyap memanjang..
BalasPadamUpko President Tan Sri Bernard Dompok hopes the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants will still be announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
BalasPadamHe said this when asked by the media whether he shared the people's disappointment that Najib came and went without a word on the RCI last week.
BalasPadamDompok said the media should have been the ones to query the Prime Minister about the matter but reporters present told him they were not given the opportunity to do so as no press conference had been arranged for them with Najib.
BalasPadam"Well I have always said that this matter should have been dealt with urgently and I maintain it is my stand, that this is an urgent matter and needs to be attended to, especially since the Cabinet had decided on Feb 8 to go ahead with this.
BalasPadam"I think the Government must expedite the terms of reference and the appointment of the people who should be members of this commission.
BalasPadam"There has been no reversal of Cabinet decision on the matter.
BalasPadamWhat both the Cabinet and parliament have been made aware of is that they were waiting on the terms of reference É I am not sure whether the State Government has come up with their proposals but they have been asked to contribute towards the terms of reference."
BalasPadamOn the request by Najib that each component party send their candidates for a meeting on the coming 13th General Election, Dompok said Upko hasn't done it yet.
BalasPadam"All in good time. There is no reason for worry on the issue as Upko has gone through so many elections with the BN before and there has not been any problems in communicating who the candidates are.
BalasPadam"By the end of the day it is the individual component parties who I think will decide on who the candidates are."
BalasPadamRegarding Upko's seat allocation, Dompok said it cannot be less that what Upko already has and the party was looking for improvement.
BalasPadamWhen asked about Upko Deputy President cum Tuaran MP Datuk Wilfred Bumburing's stand or position in Upko and speculations about whether he was still with the party, Dompok reiterated that Bumburing was still with Upko.
BalasPadamDompok also said there was a need to codify the various practices of the Sabah native courts in an effort to bring about better administration of native laws in the State.
BalasPadam"The practices from each district vary and I think there is a need to see whether there is some way this can be codified to bring about a better administration of native laws," he said.
BalasPadamSpeaking after the officiating the official groundbreaking ceremony of the RM5 million Penampang Native Court building, he said the allocation was part of the Federal Government's RM100m to the State of which RM60m was for the development of native courts and a training institute for native court administrators.
BalasPadam"But we are requesting for additional allocation for the development of at least six more native courts," said Dompok, who is Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister.
BalasPadamOn whether this meant that Native Customary Rights will be streamlined in due time, Dompok who is also Chairman of the Cabinet's Technical Committee for Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputras, said this is something that should be addressed.
BalasPadam"Once the institute is constructed with an allocation of about RM30m I think we can begin the work of trying to see whether we can codify the practices among all the districts in the State.
BalasPadam"The intention of all this, of course, is to prepare and look forward to the day when the native court system takes its place alongside the civil and syariah courts as one of the pillars of the judicial system of Malaysia and I think this is a big step."
BalasPadamDompok also took the opportunity to thank the Chief Justice for Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum for his initiative to institutionalise the native court system and in setting up the training institute.