Highest poverty drop in Interior

Kota Kinabalu September 07, 2012: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman on Thursday said Sabah Interior showed the highest decrease in poverty, thanks to various poverty eradication programmes that were initiated and implemented by the Government.
Sabah Interior, he said, recorded a 13.2 per cent decrease in poverty from 29 per cent in 2004 to 15.8 per cent in 2009.
"Overall, Sabah's poverty rate went down from 24.2 per cent to 19.7 per cent in the same period," he told reporters after chairing the State Steering Committee meeting on Poverty Eradication Scheme at Wisma Innoprise, here.
According to him, the State and Federal Governments' poverty eradication programmes include the Mesej project, Hardcore Poor Housing Programme (PPRT) plantation, Agropolitan, 1Azam, House Assistance Programme (PBR), Town Poverty Eradication Programme (PPKB) and Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB).
The ASB, he said, is implemented to cover Poor and Hardcore Poor Household Heads (KIRMTs) and Poor Household Heads (KIRMs) listed under the e-Kasih system.
So far, he said, there are 29 oil palm and rubber Mesej schemes in Sabah, six aquaculture Mesej, seven micro agriculture/aquaculture Mesej and two integrated Mesej that have been implemented in poverty-prevalent areas throughout Sabah.
Of the number, 12 Mesej and six micro-Mesej schemes have been fully completed, he said.
"Four new Mesej projects are in the process of land application or surveying for implementation starting 2013," he said.
He said all the Mesej projects are expected to involve more than 2,000 KIRMTs.
Apart from that, Musa said, the State Government is considering to implement another PPRT plantation in Nabawan, in addition to the two PPRT plantations in Tongod and Kalabakan, respectively.
He said a total of 1,167 KIRMTs are now receiving monthly dividends of RM400 from the Tongod and Kalabakan PPRT plantations.
He said they were also given employment and housing facilities in the plantations concerned.
As of Sept 5, he said, a total of 1,143 of the 1,400 PBR-type houses by the Federal Government for this year have been completed.
"An addition of 600 new PBR houses is in the implementation stage, making the total PBR houses approved for this year to 2,000 with a cost of RM100 million," he said.
Musa said the total approved PBR houses in Sabah since the programme was started in 2010 are 7,149 units.
Meanwhile, the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Ministry has implemented various programmes under the Town Poverty Eradication Programme, he said.
Under this scheme for last year and this year, he said, a total of 533 people received the House Rent Aid, while Skills Aid, 356, Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020, 1,425 people and House Construction Aid, 30.
State Government agency, Ko-Nelayan, he said, also conducted poverty eradication programmes such as the Hardcore Poverty Eradication Programme (2007-2010) through the ICU-JPM special allocation fund of RM10.198 million involving 670 fishermen.
"Apart from that, more than RM5.7 million has been allocated under the 1Azam programme 2010 involving 489 fishermen that are listed under the e-Kasih programme and also RM10.005 million under the second phase of the 1Azam programme in 2011," he said.
As of June 30, this year, a total of 690 fishermen were involved under the second phase of the 1Azam, he said.
As of 2011, he said, a total of 1,116 were involved in the Amanah Saham Bumiputera Sejahtera (ASB Sejahtera) programme by the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development Ministry.
"The proposed figure for this year (under the ASB Sejahtera) is 326 people," he said.
As among the implementers of the House Assistance Programme (PBR), Giatmara has completed rehabilitating 2,089 houses and 11 new PBR houses in Sabah last year, he said.
Musa said a total of 578 houses for repair and 325 new PBRs have been targeted and planned for implementation this year.
Sabah chief minister Musa Aman has done it. His east Malaysian state is on target to wipe out poverty. There are no more very poor people in Tawau which is the first district to have come out of extreme poverty under the government’s socio-economic programmes.
BalasPadamBerita baik untuk Sabah mengenai penurunan kadar kemiskinan.
PadamKerajaan Negeri tidak pernah lupa akan tanggungjawab mereka untuk memastikan ekonomi pendapatan dapat dipertingkatkan.
Padamthe federal government has also allocated 103m ringgit under the housing aid programme for very poor people
BalasPadamBina rumah kos rendah untuk membantu rakyat Sabah mampu memiliki rumah.
PadamGood idea so that everyone can own a house.
PadamCM Datuk Musa Aman said said a “focus group” had been set up to monitor projects to ensure that the government’s programmes to wipe out poverty were carried out efficiently
BalasPadamDiharap Kumpulan tu mampu memberi manfaatk dalam membasmi kemiskinan di Sabah
Padamkemiskinan di Sabah semakin lama semakin turun.. kenapa pemimpin2 pembangkang tidak memuji hasil usaha kerajaan ini?
BalasPadampembangkang hnya tau cari kesalahan kerajaan saja. kebaikan mereka buat2 buta.
Padamisu kemiskinan bukan mudah untuk diselesaikan.. namun kerajaan negeri pimpinan Datuk Musa Aman berjaya mengurangkan kemiskinan di negeri ini..
BalasPadamUsaha kerajaan dan rakyat bersama untuk membaiki keadaan amat diperlukan.
Padamlagi bagus dan berkesan jika rakyat sendiri mengambil langkah memajukan diri sendiri tanpa menunggu atau mengharapkan bantuan dari kerajaan..
BalasPadamteruskan lagi usaha membasmi kemiskinan di Sabah.
BalasPadamProgram membasmi kemiskinan sering diadakan juga, moga-moga dapat menghasil juga.
PadamKerajaan negeri dan pusat sentiasa berusaha mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di Sabah dengan melaksanakan pelbagai program.
BalasPadamBujet 2012 akan membawa lebih pembangunan, pembangunan tersebut akan membantu dalam mengurangkan kemiskinan.
PadamProgram membasmi kemiskinan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan diharapkan untuk membaiki lagi pendapatan.
BalasPadamSabah tidak mungkin dalam kemiskinan sedangkan Sabah memiliki sumber yang kaya dan lumayan.
BalasPadamMusa said a total of 578 houses for repair and 325 new PBRs have been targeted and planned for implementation this year.
BalasPadamSyabas lebih banyak rakyat dapat memiliki rumah sendiri.
Isu kemiskinan adalah masalah bersama, rakyat sendiri juga harus berusaha.
BalasPadamRakyat juga harus usaham dan tidak teramat bergantung kepada kerajaan.
BalasPadamSabah tidak mungkin dalam kemiskinan, harus mengkaji punca kemiskinan tersebut.
BalasPadamAccording to Auditor General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, Sabah continues to be among states with an excellent financial management record and can be a role model to other states. He said the State's financial management under Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman has improved over the last few years following the responsiveness of government departments and agencies to the demand of financial governance."Sabah has proven that excellence in financial management is not impossible if serious in implementing them.
BalasPadam"For certain, Sabah's success can be a role model or benchmark for other government departments and agencies," he said at the presentation of the Excellent Financial Management Accountability Index Award of The National Audit Department 2011. Musa, who is also State Finance Minister, was present at the event.Ambrin also said Sabah has maintained its "certificate without reprimand" for filing its financial ststement on time for 12 years running.He advised civil servants in the State to improve their work culture by implementing and monitoring government projects carefully.
BalasPadam"We must ensure that the implementation of projects are viable with the investment made and give benefits to the rakyat," he added.At the presentation ceremony, six State departments and agencies were accorded four-star rating. They were the State Secretariat, State Public Services Department, State Treasury, Government Printers, Kudat Town Board and Rural Development Corporation.According to Ambrin, the number of State government departments and agencies accorded the highest star rating has increased compared with three the previous year.
BalasPadamHe said 106 State departments and agencies were audited last year and each had shown that their financial management is at a good level.Meanwhile, Musa said the unqualified statement quashed the negative notion and baseless allegations from certain quarters that often dispute the efficiency of the State's financial management."We are very proud of this success because this is the twelfth time we achieved it since 2000 that at the same time has placed Sabah as among the best in Malaysia in terms of accountability and efficient financial management," he said, adding that is an indicator that brought a positive image to Sabah.
BalasPadamMusa expressed delight that half the State's agencies that were audited by the department showed improvement in their performance in financial management.He said this enabled some of the agencies to be independent while others to repay their respective loans and also give dividends to the State Government."It is a good and positive indicator because the allocation that was prudently saved and also dividends enable the government to implement various development programmes for the overall benefit of the people," he said.
BalasPadamMusa said the State Government would continue to expand its revenue sources so that the development that is actively implemented by the ministries, departments and agencies throughout the State would continue to be enhanced so that the people of all levels would benefit.He called on the civil service to strive together with the government to turn Sabah into a developed State in line with the development halatuju and national progress.He said all the planned programmes would be implemented with strong and firm cooperation from all quarters including the civil service in Sabah.
BalasPadamThe Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) Government through its ministries has implemented several skills training programs for the hardcore poor aimed at making their lives better.
BalasPadamThe Art of Creative Sewing Course under the State Government’s 1AZAM program is one of the skills training and it is implemented by the state’s Youth and Sports Ministry for those registered under the e–Kasih database which identifies the hardcore poor families throughout Sabah.
BalasPadam20 youths throughout the state who participated in the Art of Creative Sewing at Akademi Jahitan Kota Kinabalu (AJKK) graduated from the course and were excited about the business prospects ahead of them.
BalasPadamAssistant Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Jahid Jahim who officiated at the course’s closing ceremony at AJKK yesterday, reminded the graduates of the huge potential their newly acquired skills will present to them.
BalasPadam“Clothing is an essential item in our lives otherwise people will be walking around naked. People need clothes, so use your skills and the equipment provided to tap into the market available,” he said.
BalasPadam“I am confident that you will be able to use your newly acquired skill to your best to increase your family’s income as well as living standards and elevate yourselves out of poverty. I also urge the implementing agents as well as the training provider to monitor the participants and carry out the programs to the best of their abilities,” the Tamparuli assemblyman added.
BalasPadamSpeaking to reporters later, Jahid said that the three-month course was one of the ministry’s 1Azam programs which is aimed at getting those listed as hardcore poor families under the e-Kasih list out of the vicious cycle of poverty.
BalasPadam“We have other courses such as culinary, reflexology and minor technical skills such as repairing air-conditioners. Heads or members of families listed under e-Kasih can apply for these training courses.
BalasPadam“They will be provided with the skills training and after graduating, they will be given equipment so that they can start business and earn an income. It is our hope that after completing the training they will gain the confidence to go out and work to lift themselves out of poverty,” Jahid stressed.
BalasPadamHe disclosed that the ministry is targeting to train 1,300 participants this year and so far, the programs are on track and the target is expected to be reached when all the programs conclude in November.
BalasPadamSo far, 800 participants have graduated from the various skills training this year and most of them are now employed or have started their own businesses.
BalasPadamThe duration of the Art of Creative Sewing Course is three months and the participants are provided with lodging, food and allowance by the training provider.
BalasPadamJahid also said the ministry encourages the graduates to start small by making their business a home-based one initially and slowly expand from there.
BalasPadamHe also congratulated two male participants for graduating in the course as this will help change the general mindset that sewing is only for women.