On being forced to vote for an idiot
MAY 2 — It’s no secret that most of our politicians are idiots. Exhibit A, for me, is a “gem” of a tweet from a PKR leader in which she basically said that so-called “neutrals” want Pakatan Rakyat to be perfect yet “make excuses” for Barisan Nasional.
What is with this “you’re either with us or against us”-policy with Pakatan Rakyat?
When you point out the opposition pact’s flaws, poor decisions and general lack of leadership — especially where PKR is concerned — you’re painted as a BN stooge/apologist.
To be honest, I don’t think anyone can truly be neutral. Choosing not to side with any political party doesn’t make you neutral — you’re pretty much declaring that you don’t hold for any party.
In a perfect, ideal world, these people who think that both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat aren’t worth siding with would merely be called what they are: Non-partisan.
Or to put it bluntly: You all suck. Thus we, the non-partisan, refuse to cheer for you or wave your flag.
For anyone who refuses to drink either BN or PR’s Kool-Aid, most of our so-called leaders seem hardly worthy of power.
- On one side, we have the ruling coalition made up of old, dead furniture whose youth wings are made up of old fogeys and whose women’s wings are mostly populated by breathy, cheerleader types who wave shawls instead of pom-poms.
- Then we have the other side, heavily populated by ex-members of the aforementioned side whose wings don’t look much different. PR at least has some notably capable women leaders who seem smart, articulate and capable.
Some days, it seems both sides compete to see who can flub the most. There’s our delusional education minister who insists our education is better than in the UK or US. There’s the Opposition Leader who made Azmin Ali PKR Sabah chief. Yes, I’ve harped about it many times and I will continue to do so to remind everyone just why PKR is such a failure in Sabah. There’s that MP who likens women’s periods to “bocor (leaks)” and complains about their driving. Then there’s the ex-PR member who spent most of his time hunting for alcohol and apostates.
Why do crazies end up in politics? Maybe it’s because the saner ones have better things to do.
I have friends saying they’re just going to spoil their votes come Election Day because they feel none of the politicians deserve their vote. My plea to them: Please don’t.
Whatever seat you vote in, you will have to make a choice. Choose the least bad candidate if you must, but remember it’s far better than not voting at all. Because if you let your vote go to waste, you might end up having the worst of the two you could have chosen rather than the better one.
Say you lean towards PR, but the BN rep in your area is a stand-up guy who actually looks after your constituency. Why not choose him instead of your favoured party’s man, known to have the diplomatic skills of a slug and the intellectual capacity of cement? The same rule holds vice-versa.
No matter what propaganda either or any side spouts at you, remember that what serves you as a voter best is to choose the best man for the job and the best representative for your seat.
It’s a pity we can’t vote for our prime ministers because the ones we’ve had for the last two decades have been more obsessed with championing a race instead of our country.
Vote for good people. Give your support to good candidates, because it’s obvious that the good find it hardest to survive in the murky world of politics. It is the outspoken boors, the morons with verbal diarrhoea, the slavish sycophants, the submissive cheerleaders who rise to the top of either BN or PR’s ranks. Because the parties don’t support the good eggs but the ones most likely to toe the party line.
Your vote does matter. It matters enough for you to tell the political parties that you’re going to vote for whomever you want, even if it’s just for the lesser idiot. Remember, would you prefer a few minor idiots or a government full of the worst idiots possible on the electoral roll?
The choice, fellow citizens, is yours.
Erna Mahyuni
Terpulanglah sama ada idiot itu siapa?
BalasPadamrasanya rakyat sudah lebih matang dari dulu untuk menilai semuanya sebelum mengundi
BalasPadamI'm sure the people knew how to cast their vote for the best party and candidate.
PadamUndi dengan bijak. bukan undi kerana 'habuan'/'gula2' yang diperolehi.
PadamYou can't use the same tactic over and over especially sweet promises that never fulfill.
PadamRakyat sudah pandai menilai.
Padamzaman sekarang rakyat sudah tahu menilai...
PadamIt is important young voters to choose wisely in the next general election, the country needs a proven administration to deal with domestic, regional and global issues. Don't give the country away to the wrong hands because you will be in trouble. Govt had worked through many domestic, regional and global issues and these translated into social and economic development for the country.
BalasPadamThe voters nowadays are more well informed and knew how to make better decisions, I'm sure they will cast their vote to the best party.
Padamno one would be an idiot if did not point out.
BalasPadamrakayt kena undi dengan bijaksana.
BalasPadamIt is a matter of choice.
BalasPadamIt is up to the people whom they want as a leader.
BalasPadamRakyat harus menilai siapakah calon yang sesuai.
PadamCalon yang sesuai, adalah calon yang benar2 dpat membantu rakyat.
PadamWe are all advised to vote wisely and not to regret later.
BalasPadamThe decision lies in the hands of the people, let them decide.
BalasPadamHopefully the best and winning party will be voted for.
BalasPadamIt depends who is the idiot in the eyes of the voters.
BalasPadamVote wisely people!
PadamElection does not come every year therefore, vote wisely so you wouldn't feel regret with your decision.
BalasPadamAfter this elections, we will need to wait another four years to vote again, therefore we should vote wisely.
Padamvote the right leader.
PadamAll contesting parties will need to do their best to win the hearts of the voters during the next General Elections.
BalasPadamkena jadi orang yang bijak.
BalasPadamW yang berkebolehan, ikhlas dan sanggup mendengar suara untuk memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat pasti menjadi pilihan utama rakyat.
BalasPadamKeputusan kertas undian membawa kesan besar kepada generasi akan datang. Undilah dengan bijak.
BalasPadamHarap rakyat tau menilai dan mengundi dengan bijak.
PadamPemimpin harus membuktikan bahawa mereka baloi dengan setiap undian yang rakyat berikan.
BalasPadamsetiap pemimpin harus berusaha untuk memberikan khidmat terbaik kepada rakyat.
PadamSabah will still a deposit to BN.
BalasPadamkemungkinan besar BN sabah akan menang pada pru13 nanti di sabah..
PadamJangan pula terjatuh dalam perangkap janji manis lagi.
BalasPadamrakyat harus bijak menilai setiap janji yang diberikan.
PadamSudah terbukti BN dapat menaikkn taraf hidup kita.
BalasPadamPembangkang hanya tau memberi janji manis sahaja.
BalasPadamsabah dan sarawak akan menjadi the kingmaker pada pru13 nanti.
BalasPadamya, Sabah dan Sarawak pasti jadi perhatian pada PRU nanti.
Padamrakyat haruslah memilih dengan bijaksana..masa depan negara terletak di tangan rakyat pada pru13 nanti.
BalasPadamdi semenanjung kemungkinan akan ada pertandingan 1 lawan 1..tetapi di sabah di mana banyak parti pembangkang, kemungkinan akan ada pertandingan 3 atau 4 penjuru...ini adalah satu kelebihan buat BN sabah..
BalasPadamrasanya di Sabah tidak akan berlaku persaingan 1 lawan 1.
PadamDon't want idiot leaders to govern this country.
BalasPadamIf you are not sincere with your struggles, please don't involve in politics. Stop taking advantages from the situation.
BalasPadambiar rakyat yang buat pilihan mereka sendiri. setiap orang ada penilain dan pilihan mereka sendiri.
BalasPadamSemua itu ada pada diri rakyat sendiri menilai mana yang baik dan mana yang tidak. Kerajaan cuma yang terbaik untuk rakyat maka sendiri boleh menilainya.
BalasPadampoliticians become idiot when they are desperately wanted the cabinet posts..