26 schools declared as having unsafe buildings
March 27, 2012: TWENTY-SIX schools have been officially declared as having unsafe buildings in Sabah since the year 2009.
Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, who is also in charge of Sabah education affairs, said this was based on the Public Works Department report received by the State Education Department.
The school buildings were declared unsafe due to structural damages, he said in reply to Bingkor Assemblyman Datuk Justin Guka.
According to Masidi, the Education Ministry has carried out school building structural repair works under AP 173.2 (Emergency Works) on 24 schools, and that works at 14 of them have already been completed and handed over to the Ministry.
The remaining 10 are still undergoing maintenance works, he said.
Action against 28 for abusing name 'homestay'
March 27, 2012: THE Federal Tourism Ministry has taken action against 28 premises which have abused the name "homestay" in providing accommodation for tourists in Sabah.
Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said the operators of these premises had been notified and briefed on the true meaning of a homestay which is a programme that must involve the local community and not individual ownership-basis business.
The use of "homestay" by the owners of these premises is confusing the tourists, he said in response to Sebatik Assemblyman Abdul Muis Picho.
There are presently 17 homestay in Sabah, altogether involving 25 villages and 230 participants, offering 438 rooms for tourists, he said, adding under the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP) the Tourism Ministry has approved RM795,000 for assisting in upgrading and providing tourism facilities at the homestay areas.
Masidi said his Ministry also provides information to parties interested to participate in the homestay programme.
Segerakan penambahbaikan di sekolah2 yang dikenalpasti berada dalam risiko bahaya.
BalasPadamYa, ia perlu dilakukan sebelum terlambat. Jangan sampai kritikal barulah kelam kabut mahu tanggani. huhu
PadamHopefully repair funds will be allocated to these 26 unsafe schools. First of all, someone from the PWD must go to these schools for further inspection to see what needs to be done and request the allocations needed.
PadamProjek2 penambahbaikan ini pasti mengambil masa yang lama jika perlu merujuk pada kerajaan persekutuan terlebih dahulu. sebaiknya sabah diberi kuasa autonomi agar projek2 pembangunan pendidikan dapat dilaksanakan dengan segera.
PadamSince 2009? Biar betul sekarang 2012 sudah. Takkan masih belum dibaiki.
BalasPadammungkin peruntukan lambat disalurkan. lagipun kan perlu merujuk dahulu dengan kerajaan persekutuan.
Padam26 kira jumalah yang banyak juga tu. Harap ada tindakan drastik yang dibuat bagi mnaggani hal ini.
BalasPadamPerkara ini telah dipaparkan oleh media jadi ia sepatutnya sampai ke pengetahuan pihak-pihak yang berkenaan.
BalasPadamHarap dana untuk membaiki sekolah-sekolah berkenaan dapat diluluskan.
BalasPadamPasti diluluskan tapi memakan masa yang lama.
PadamThe education ministry must ensure that the school environment is always safe.
BalasPadamPrevention is better than having to wait for danger to happen. Inspection should be done to all schools around sabah. We can't have our kids going to a school which is unsafe.
PadamThe State Education Department should be given autonomy power to make decisions regarding the schools and education system in Sabah without having to go through with the Federal Ministry of Education.
Padamya..lagipun ini juga mempengaruhi pembelajaran para murid sekolah. mereka perlu suasana sekolah yang selamat dan selesa.
PadamThose school which are said to be unsafe to be used should be abandoned before any accidents occur. Hope that the Ministry of Education will give allocations so that this problem may be resolved. Repairing or reconstructing a new building is needed.
BalasPadambangunan2 sekolah yang didapati tidak selamat tidak harus digunakan, ia perlu diperbaiki. keselamatan pelajar perlu diutamakan.
BalasPadamTerpaksa juga menggunakan bangunan sekolah yang tidak selamat jika tidak mempunyai bangunan sekolah sementara.
PadamThe state education department should be given power on decision-making and the implementation of development projects, especially maintenance, training and recruitment of teachers.
BalasPadamThis will allow the department to manage their own allocations based on the concept ‘Let managers manage’ and son on, as mentioned by the State Education Director Datuk Dr Muhiddin Yusin
PadamCurrently the department is not empowered to manage any allocation for development even if it is for projects costing below RM500,000.
PadamHe said this is despite present regulations which state the department can decide on projects worth below RM500,000.
Padam“This regulation has been stated in the Arahan Perbendaharaan (Treasury directive) more than 10 years ago,” he said.
PadamHe was commenting on the recent suggestion by State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said that the Sabah Education Department be given more power and autonomy.
PadamAccording to Salleh, many school buildings in the Sabah are in need of repair and educational projects are not carried out systematically due to having to refer simple matters to Putrajaya, which jeopardises the Government efforts in developing education in Sabah.
PadamSalleh acknowledged the capability of Muhiddin as head of the education department, in that he well versed in the context of local needs, hence felt it unnecessary, or alternatively, to minimise the requirement for local education officers to attend meetings held in Kuala Lumpur.
PadamCM Datuk Musa Aman said infrastructure development for schools in Sabah will remain a priority for the government in line with '1Malaysia'.
BalasPadamthe new infrastructures would further motivate the school population to respond to the government’s call for transformation towards excellence in education
PadamKeadaan sekolah yang daif ini sememangnya perlulah diambil perhatian untuk diperbaiki. Ini kerana bagi memastikan keselamatan pelajar sekolah itu.
BalasPadammana2 sekolah yang tidak selamat patut dirobohkan dan digantikan dengan bangunan konkrit.. kalau sekadar baik pulih mana2 bahagian yang rosak, bagi saya itu bukanlah penyelesaian terbaik..