Jumaat, Oktober 28, 2011


USDA wants Govt to lay off native customary land rights

imageKOTA KINABALU 27th Oct, 2011: United Sabah Dusun Association (USDA) has called on village residents in the state, especially in the rural areas, to vigorously defend their rights to their ancestral land.

Its president, Datuk Kalakau Untol, said, this is important to ensure that their customary rights on ancestral land will be passed on to their future generations.

He said their customary land rights is being increasingly stripped off and taken over by big corporations on a large scale, which would bring serious repercussion to the natives who depend very much on land for survival.

However, he said, the problem will not occur if the relevant parties conduct the process in a fair manner as what the natives do in defending their rights to their native land.

“Natives who work on their land based on hereditary customary rights now seem to be denied their rights to continue with their traditions resulting, in what we see now, in anger and frustration at the relevant parties who cannot protect their interests,” he said.

He was speaking during a meeting with villagers in Kampung Toburon, Kota Belud, recently to hear the problems of the people in the village.

Kalakau said 512 villagers in Kampung Toburan lost their customary rights land of 809.1 hectares to a company that has now started developing the area with the cultivation of rubber.

“The affected land includes the homes, village and farm crops cultivated by the natives,” he said.

He said such situation would not have arisen if the villagers were informed of the company’s application for the land or if early notice had been served on them.

“The villagers were shocked by the news that the land is now owned by the company, without them being able to defend their rights to it,” he said.

In this regard, USDA is appealing to the government to look seriously into these problems faced by the local people in this state, the majority of them having lost their customary rights on ancestral land unfairly.

“We ask that customary land rights in the state should not be disturbed. USDA will continue to fight for the land and rights of the people,” he said.

Following the meeting, a group of the village residents made a peaceful demonstration to protest against the incursion of a company into the customary land rights land of Kampung Toburon villagers.


Usda saran penduduk kampung luar bandar pertahan tanah adat

“Anak Negeri yang mengusahakan tanah adat secara turun temurun seakan-akan dinafikan hak untuk meneruskan tradisi mereka, dan kini apa yang kita lihat adalah kemarahan dan kekecewaan kepada pihak berkaitan yang tidak dapat melindungi kepentingan mereka,”

“Penduduk kampung dikejutkan dengan berita bahawa tanah-tanah tersebut telah pun dimiliki oleh syarikat itu, tanpa dapat mempertahankan hak mereka,”

Presiden Persatuan Dusun Sabah Bersatu (Usda) Datuk Kalakau Untol


'Stop destroying crops of villagers'

"It must be reminded that the villagers have applied for the land for quite some time even when Tun Sakaran Dandai was the District Officer in Semporna ... just imagine how long they have been applying for the land?

"Until now there has been no response,"

Umno Semporna Youth Chief, Mohd Azis Jamman

39 ulasan:

  1. This issue is getting worse...

  2. tanah2 penduduk haruslah dipertahankan.

  3. isu ini haruslah diberikan perhatian yang sewajarnya dan diselesaikan.

  4. harap kepentingan penduduk akan dijaga dengan sebaiknya..

  5. semua masalah ini datang dari pegawai2 serta pengarah jabatan tanah.. jika tidak ada tindakan diambil terhadap mereka, masalah rampasan tanah akan tetap berlaku..

  6. wakil rakyat jangan duduk diam.. mustahil mereka tidak tahu apa yang berlaku di kawasan mereka.. rajin2 la turun padang selesaikan masalah rakyat. jangan masa kempen pilihanraya baru berbuih mulut memujuk rakyat..

  7. harap setiap isu yang berlaku akan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik..

  8. siasatan perlu dilakukan ke atas Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur. kemungkinan dalang di sebalik rampasan tanah ini bersembunyi di sana.

  9. Sabah lah paling banyak kes rampasan tanah. harap kerajaan dapat mencari punca sebenar masalah ini.

  10. harap isu tanah ni akan segera diselesaikan. Ini akan membuat rakyat tidak puas hati. Harap jabatan tanah tidak sengaja menangguhkan isu2 tanah yang telah lama tersimpan.

  11. More organisation/party come into Sabah, non of them could help the people to protect their land.

  12. “We ask that customary land rights in the state should not be disturbed. USDA will continue to fight for the land and rights of the people,”

    Semoga usaha USDA menghasil.

  13. Just wonder what happen to Pairin team? Are they carry on their duty? Why still more land grabing cases yet no solution?

  14. Penduduk tiada yakin terhadap kerajaan yang masih gagal mempertahankan hak milik penduduk. Golongan ini kehilangan tanah bermakna mereka kehilangan pendapatan. Apa akan terjadi seterusnya?

  15. KDM come into Sabah. We urge KDM could look into the matter and be able to resolve it. Good luck!

  16. Rakyat berharap kepada Kerajaan tetapi Kerajaan tidak bertindak untuk mempertahankan hak milik penduduk. Siapa lagi kami boleh harapkan?

  17. Tertanya juga apakah tindakan yang telah diambil oleh ahli jawatan kuasa KM? Tiada perkembangan sehingga kini. Makin lama makin banyak kes rampas tanah berlaku, ini menyebabkan rakyat hilang akal dan yakin terhadap Kerajaan.

  18. Adakah semua ini disebabkan oleh Jabatan tanah & Ukur? Harap pihak berkuasa membuat siasatan agar hak milik penduduk tidak dirampas.

  19. Betul kata Zarir, KDM telah ditubuhkan untuk membantu rakyat, ini berkemungkinan topik untuk KDM untuk menyelesaikannya. Kalau UBF sanggup kerjasama, kemungkinan masalah dapat ditanggani dengan lebih mudah.

  20. "USDA is appealing to the government to look seriously into these problems faced by the local people in this state, the majority of them having lost their customary rights on ancestral land unfairly"

    Adakah kerajaan juga gagal membuat sesuatu untuk mempertahankan tanah penduduk? Tidak hairan penduduk kecewa dan marah dengan kes sebegini yang tiada cara penyelesaian dan membiarkan syarikat swasta mengambil alih.

  21. Macam makin teruk hal ini. Takkan takda tindakan lanjut. huhu

  22. Kalau saya di tempat penduduk konpom saya pun marah. Macam mana juga hal ni boleh berlaku. Teruk betul.

  23. Siapa yang tak marah dengan hal seperti ini. Sangatlah ketara ketidakadilan berlaku.

  24. Justeru hal ini harus disiasat dan buatlah apa yang patut. Jangan dibiarkan saja hak rakyat dipinggirkan.

  25. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti. Harap ia dapat ditanggani dengan baik.

  26. isu tanah yg tiada kesudahannya... harap dapat diselesaikan untuk kebaikan semua..

  27. wakil rakyat harus ambil perhatian..pertahankan hak penduduk...

  28. Never ending issue. Same like the PATI.

  29. Sometimes the land department will say that the applicants didn't give the complete details etc..but how if they did give a complete detail but still they have to wait for years on their application?

  30. "..even when Tun Sakaran Dandai was the District Officer in Semporna ... just imagine how long they have been applying for the land?.."

    Ini memang teruk betul sudah. Antara fail permohonan itu kena letak paling bawah sekali atau sudah hilang. Siapa2 pun akan marah kalau macam ni.

  31. "..even when Tun Sakaran Dandai was the District Officer in Semporna ... just imagine how long they have been applying for the land?.."

    Ini memang teruk betul sudah. Antara fail permohonan itu kena letak paling bawah sekali atau sudah hilang. Siapa2 pun akan marah kalau macam ni.

  32. Those parties who can not protect their interests should be abolished.

  33. Lindungilah Hak tanah adat mereka. Kenapa sekarang semakin bertambah masalah rampasan tanah adat berlaku.

  34. Siapa lagi yang penduduk harapkan untuk membantu dan melindungi hak mereka? Sudah pastilah kerajaan Negeri yang diharapkan untuk melindungi mereka. Jadi dimana mereka sekarang ini bila penduduk memerlukan?

  35. Nothing solution for this land problem have seized by irresponsible people.

  36. It's not easy too to solve this.

  37. They won't stay mad for too long, there'll be solution soon.

  38. As the months move on, land grabs still goes on.
