Respect DOE's decision to reject coal plant DEIA: Masidi
State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Datuk Masidi Manjun, said the decision by the DOE Director-General was strictly based on facts submitted in the report by the consultants appointed by the proponent of the 300MW plant, which was to be sited at Sinakut in the Dent Peninsular.
"At this point of time, all quarters should respect the decision of the Director-General.
"There is no other ulterior (motive) to me it's basically a professional decision (based on) the public report (on which) everybody have given their piece," he said, to reporters after opening the Sabah Arts and Photography Society Members Photography exhibition here, Thursday.
Under normal procedures, he said, the project proponent has a choice of scrapping the project or appeal for another DEIA.
"As we all might remember, the Prime Minister and Chief Minister themselves have given an assurance that the Government is going to act based on professional reasoning I assure you this (the decision) is one of that," Masidi said.
"I've met those who have given their opinions and I told them in no uncertain terms that the State Government is bound to strictly comply with the Terms of Reference (TOR) provided and prepared for this project."
To a question on whether another DEIA was in the offing, he said: "(You) have to ask that question to the proponent of the project and of course (if any), I hope it would be dictated by conscience and public opinion."
To another question, he said there was always another alternative towards power generation but that the scale and cost were the main considerations.
"The price of fuel keeps going up these days (so) the Government picked this (coal) because it is the cheapest to generate electricity but it comes with its own risks," Masidi said.
"We can't really say this is the best because the best always has something attached to it (but) we cannot depend on fuel for power generation forever."
Sabah Environment Department Director, Yabi Yangkat, said a key point given by the DOE for rejecting the DEIA, prepared by a team of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) consultants, was that many important environmental parameters were not addressed in the report.
'Good reason to call off the project'
"We thank the DOE for carrying out their duty without fear or favour.
Now that a Federal agency has made such a decision, we hope the State Government too will take a stand.
"We should all collectively chart a new path towards clean energy that helps create jobs. Going into alternatives to coal, including renewable energy, is a solution for Sabah, as our studies have shown.
"Let us not waste anymore time and energy. We are confident alternatives can be put in place effectively in the short term,”
Wong Tack, Sabah Environmental Protection Association (Sepa) President
Sabah Subscribes To 1Malaysia Concept Over Proposed Coal Plant - Activitst
The Sabah Government, through the DOE, had acted professionally.
Thanked Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for their assurance that the government would not bulldoze through the proposed coal-fired power plant project, without taking into consideration the DEIA report and public opinion.
"This is what we want. From the feedback, the majority of the people, including NGOs in the state, are not in favour of the proposal...obviously, the Sabah Government took serious note of this,"
Sabah consumer and social activist Datuk Patrick Sindu
SAPP Proposes Natural Gas Power Plant In Sabah
A natural gas power plant would provide cleaner energy and would be cheaper and faster to build than a coal-fired plant.
That a gas pipeline from Kimanis to Sandakan or Tawau might cost RM1.2 billion, which would be much less than the RM1.7 billion to build a coal-fired power plant.
A natural gas power plant was a sensible solution after the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) of the proposed coal-fired power plant in Lahad Datu was rejected.
Adakah kerajaan pusat akan memberhentikan projek penjana kuasa arang batu ini?
BalasPadamjika janakuasa arang batu dihentikan, apakah alternatif yang akan digunakan untuk menjana tenaga elektik di Sabah?
BalasPadamkerajaan kena mencari alternatif lain untuk menjana kuasa, pelbagai alternatif boleh digunakan seperti melalui tenaga hidro, angin, ataupun ombak dan sekarang dalam perancangan adalah penjanaan tenaga nuklear.
BalasPadamusaha bagi mencari kaedah terbaik untuk menjana tenaga di Sabah perlu dilakukan..jika kerajaan menghentikan projek janakuasa arang batu, maka alternatif lain perlu dicari.
BalasPadammenghentikan projek janakuasa arangbatu adalah dari keputusan kajian yang dibuat. Keburukkan akan berlaku sekiranya janakuasa ini diteruskan. Tapi, kerajaan haruslah memberikan cadangan yang lain untuk menggantikan janakuasa aratangbatu ini. Ini untuk kepentingan masyarakat disekitar kawasan tersebut.
BalasPadamfinally, the coal plant project has been rejected. now, we move to another option that will be much better than coal plant. for those who previously active in protestation of the project should come up with the best suggestion.
BalasPadamseems the efforts of all protesters had managed to fail the project. I'm glad about it and thanks for govt, but we still need to find another alternative asap.
BalasPadamListen and act.
BalasPadamSaya rasa jika projek ini diberhentikan tentu ramai yang riang dan bersuka-ria terutama yang beriya-iya untuk membantah agar projek ini tidak diteruskan. Tapi adakah ini akan menyelesaikan masalah utama yang dihadapi???
BalasPadamKini, sudah terbukti bahawa keputusan DEIA untuk projek itu telah dimansuhkan. Jadi hormati la keputusan itu. Kita tiada kuasa untuk mengubah apa yang telah lalu.
BalasPadamjika projek ini dihentikan, kerajaan perlu mencari kaedah lain bagi menjana tenaga di negeri Sabah. kajian bagi mencari kaedah lain yang lebih sesuai perlu dilakukan.
BalasPadamI'm sure there will be other solution. Don't worry. Just wait and see.
BalasPadamKeputusan DEIA tersebut telah menerima banyak cadangan yang berbeza. Saya cuma harap agar segalanya akan menjadi jernih kemudian.
BalasPadamTNB has submitted its revised DEIA report. Let us see what's next.
BalasPadamKita cuma tunggu dan lihat keputusan yang seterusnya.
BalasPadamWaa, betul juga oo kan kerajaan dengar suara rakyat :)
BalasPadamSaya yakin pasti ada alternatif lain utk selesaikan masalah elektrik di Sabah. Harap2 kaedah baru itu dapat ditemukan secepatnya.
BalasPadamSama2 lah kita tunggu dan lihat apa yang bakal berlaku selepasm ini...
BalasPadamBah bukan ini ka yang memang rakyat mahu... so baguslah bah kalau dah dimansuh. At least kita tahu kerajaan berpegang pada apa yang mereka katakan.
BalasPadamSekarang ni, perlu fokus pada cara penyelesaian yang baru. Semoga semuanya akan berjalan lancar.