Khamis, Mac 22, 2012


‘Recruit Sarawakians to teach’

A Sarawak parliamentarian has pointed out that parents in Sarawak want to see their children being given a chance to serve in the government.

KUCHING March 22, 2012: The fewer number of Sarawakians joining the teaching profession is worrying a Barisan Nasional MP.

Raising the issue of teachers in parliament, MP for Kapit Alex Nanta Linggi said: “The number of Sarawakians becoming teachers is getting less and less as vacancies in Sarawak are filled by those who come from Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah.

“We want the Education Ministry to train more Sarawakians who are qualified to become teachers instead of the ministry sending teachers from Peninsular Malaysia in big numbers to fill all these vacancies.

“It would be easier for the local teachers to be sent to the rural areas and to the longhouses to the native students,” he said.

Nanta pointed out that neither he nor his colleagues from Sarawak, who raised similar issues were anti-peninsular Malaysia but they all feel that it is imperative that “anak-anak Sarawak be given the first opportunity to teach in Sarawak and be allowed o join government service”.

“I don’t ask that teachers from Peninsular Malaysia be stopped from teaching in Sarawak. I appreciate their services and their contribution to teach in longhouses and in the interior of Sarawak.

“What is worrying is that the number of Sarawakians becoming teachers is getting less and less when compared with teachers coming from Peninsular Malaysia.

“It is the hope of the parents in Sarawak to see that their children who are qualified being given a chance to serve the government.

“That is the most important question,” Nanta stressed.

Local teachers terminated

The issue of teachers coming from Peninsular Malaysia was highlighted by the local media recently when the services of 607 daily paid teachers, who were barely two weeks into the new school term in Januray 2012, were terminated.

They were replaced by teachers from the peninsula.

Last year Ba’Kelalan assemblyman Baru Bian had also raised the issue during the budget session of the state assembly when he said that parents in Sarawak were concerned over the subtle attempt by these teachers to impart Islamic teachings and practices to children in schools in the rural areas.

“There are reports from parents of school children that their children come home from school and recite the Islamic ways of praying at home,” Bian had said.

Bian called for qualified local people from their own community be recruited to teach in these schools to avoid any conflict of religious beliefs.

Joseph Tawie


33 ulasan:

  1. More locals should be allowed to be trained as teachers since there are a serious lack of teaching forces in the state such as Sabah and Sarawak. Hope that the Ministry of Education will do what is needed to ensure that the locals are given the opportunities to serve the country.

  2. I'm sure most Sabahans and Sarawakians would like to see more locals teaching in their own states rather than depending on Peninsular teachers. Not that Peninsular teachers are not good, but surely they would prefer to serve in their own state as well without having to move across the ocean away from their family, same goes with our own teachers.

  3. This matter was urged to the Education Ministry to review its teacher intake programme in Sabah by our State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun last year.

  4. He said Sabah loses about 700 senior teachers from the teaching circuit every year when they are re-posted to the peninsula.

  5. The standard practice is that peninsula teachers after serving three years in the State would request to be transferred back to their hometown.

  6. In their place are junior teachers fresh from the training institute and this is one of the barriers to Sabah's education progress.

  7. Because of this Sabah would not be able to challenge its counterparts such as Terengganu where education progress is concerned. He suggested that the Education Ministry approve applications from particular areas.

  8. "As long as the candidate qualifies, just accept him because we know that he will never leave Sabah. If the applicant is from Nabawan and applies to be posted in Nabawan, just accept it. With this, we are ensured that the senior teachers will remain in Sabah," he said.

  9. He reiterated that Sabah is not against teachers from Peninsular Malaysia serving in the State.

  10. Throughout his formative years, Masidi said he came to know many dedicated peninsula teachers who continued to serve in Sabah despite the opportunity to be transferred back to their home state.

  11. To ensure that education in Sabah progresses, the authority concerned must take the necessary action.

  12. Failure to do so would ensure Sabah's education level remains as it is. He said education in the State would forever be lagging behind its counterparts in the peninsula if this matter were not addressed.

  13. A total of 296 teachers received their diplomas in various fields namely Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), mathematics, J-Qaf school-based teachers training, physical education and health, Islamic studies, counselling guidance, visual art, Chinese education and pre-school.

  14. Ambil lebih ramai guru2 tempatan untuk sekolah2 di Sabah dan Sarawak.

    1. sebaiknya utamakan guru2 tempatan.

    2. Di Sabah sendiri begitu ramai graduan pendidikan yg belum mendapat tempat di mana2 sekolah dan kekosongan guru terutama di luar bandar masih banyak.Namun,hairan guru dari SM jg yg dipilih.

  15. Perlu ada had kemasukan guru2 dari semenanjung.

    1. Setuju. Ramai warga SM yang mengisi jawatan penjawat awam termasuklah di Sabah. Saya terfikir adakah keadaan di SM sama seperti di sini? Adakah warga S&S banyak mengisi jawatan dalam sektor kerajaan di SM? Peluang sama rata adalah penting. Diskriminasi bukan suatu budaya yang ingin diangkat.

  16. Setuju Ava. Kemasukan guru-guru dari semenanjung perlu dihadkan untuk bagi peluang kepada local mengajar di tempat sendiri.

  17. Pros dan cons itu adalah benda yang normal, namun saya yakin jika guru tempatan mengajar di tempat sendiri pasti ia akan lebih mudah dan mendatangkan banyak manfaat.

    1. Tak payah orang penisular dan sabah bersusah payah pindah sana untuk mengajar.

  18. “We want the Education Ministry to train more Sarawakians who are qualified to become teachers instead of the ministry sending teachers from Peninsular Malaysia in big numbers to fill all these vacancies.

    “It would be easier for the local teachers to be sent to the rural areas and to the longhouses to the native students,”

    Sangat setuju. Jadi kerajaan haruslah pertimbagkan hal ini sewajarnya.

  19. Bukan bermakna guru semenanjung tak bagus tapi bagi saya orang sendiri lebih memahami karenah budaya sendiri. hihi

  20. Apapun, kita lihat sajalah nanti reaksi kerajaan terhadapa perkara ini.

    1. Kenalah setuju dengan perkara ini,

  21. Intergrasi nasional itu penting namun ia tidak seharusnya tersasar daripada objektif sebenar sehinggakan peluang untuk guru tempatan di sesebuah negeri terhakis. Kementerian Pelajaran perlu melihat kembali cara pelaksanaan sistem ini.

  22. Seperti apa yg saya tahu,guru dari SM juga mempunyai banyak kelebihan bila berkhidmat di Sabah atau Sarawak.

  23. It's true that local people working locally is better.

  24. Kenalah bagi orang sarawak peluang untuk mendapat pekerjaan itu.

  25. This is alarming!! true or not? Are they qualify teacher? Opportunity should be given to local people first as the E.Malaysian are 5 to 10 years behind the west Malaysian. Help the locals

  26. Bukan di Sarawak saja malahan di Sabah juga perlu untuk memberikan anak tempatan peluang untuk menjadi pendidik di Negeri sendiri.

  27. Betul.. Bukannya bermaksud guru dari luar tidak bagus. Tapi sebaiknya berikan peluang lagi kepada penduduk tempatan mendidik anak tempatan mereka pula.

  28. perlu diingat, guru2 semenajung yang bertugas di Sabah dan Sarawak juga sebenarnya tidak suka berkhidmat di kedua2 negeri ini..
